The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and shock news reaches the Street.
Sarah is stunned when she gets a call from Joe saying that there has been an explosion in Ukraine and they fear Gary has been killed. Sarah refuses to believe it is true until they discover that his St Christopher has been found amongst the wreckage. Utterly devastated Sarah and Tim set off to tell Anna in prison, distraught she has to be restrained by a prison guard.
Meanwhile David is intrigued by Phelan’s reaction to the news and follows him to Nicola’s house, watching from the car he is bemused when he witnesses Nicola is visibly shaken by what Phelan tells her. When Phelan leaves David hammers on Nicola’s door demanding answers.
Under pressure she admits to the one night stand with Gary but as he spots the pregnancy tablets she is forced to confess to carrying Gary’s baby. With Sarah consumed by grief what will David do with this shocking revelation?
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And the stage is set for Gary to make a dramatic Christmas return, rumours of his death having been greatly exaggerated...
That’s my belief also. There’s been no report of Mikey North leaving the show, and why kill off a major character off-stage, as it were? They have form for this sort of thing, after Andy’s (initial) survival. I suspect this ‘accidental Tweet’ revealing Gary’s death was no accident at all, but designed to maximise publicity for a narrative sleight of hand.
I find it odd that there's no mention of Izzy the mother of Gary's son Jake not being informed of his death,only Nicola and Sarah?!
Izzy and Gary did live together for a while and as mentioned before,she is the father of his child and should be given the same consideration as Sarah and Nicola.
What on earth are "pregnancy tablets"?
Multivitamins taken during pregnancy.
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