Next week in Coronation Street, Kate tells Rana that she’s moving to Spain with Johnny and Jenny.
Rana’s gutted but puts on a brave face as Kate breaks down and admits to Luke that she doesn’t want to move to Spain but it’s killing her being around Rana.
Zeedan sends Rana and Kate to attend a food fair on his behalf. When the van breaks down in the middle of nowhere, Kate calls Luke. Rana confesses to Kate how she can’t stop thinking about her but knows her parents would never speak to her again. Seeing Rana in such turmoil, Kate’s heart goes out to her. The chemistry electric, will the pair finally give in to their feelings?
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I hate to say it, but I'd be pretty indifferent if she did go.
If only she would go...
I didn't care about either Kate or Rana even before this storyline started,and since I'm not a fan of people who use others their self-imposed dilemma hasn't endeared them to me.
Rana had her doubts about this relationship with Zeedan and she shouldn't have gotten married. You'd think what happened with Caz would have made Kate wary of unstable people but if she wants Rana, I hope the writers make that happen soon before there's a baby to drag into this.
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