There are not one, but two, baby bombshells coming up in Coronation Street next week.
With thanks to the fab Inside Soap magazine, we learn that in next week's Corrie, Nicola's baby secret is revealed. And it's David who finds out that Gary is the daddy!
As if the Platts haven't got enough going on in their household next week as news that Gary is dead filters back to Weatherfield from Ukraine. You can read more on that here.
So what will David do withe the news that Gary's got another woman pregnant? Will he tell Sarah?
And the second baby bombshell is a little less explosive, but throws an added complication into the mix for Kate and Rana. It's Rana who finds out she's expecting a baby Nazir.
You can read our blogger Ruth's interview with the two actors who play Kate and Rana to find out more - it's here.

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Maybe this is the sign Rana needs to show her that she should be with who she married, instead of cheating on him.
I just knew Corrie writers couldn't help themselves and would add a baby to the Zeedan/Rana/Kate storyline.
Well since Rana and Zee are married, it's hardly a bombshell. I hate the way they are pushing the Kate/Rana thing. No matter how you look at it, its another cheating story. Kate needs to stop being a predator and shove off.
From next weeks description - 8.30 episode
"Rana lies to keep Luke off her back" - She's not pregnant.
I have a bad feeling that as in the case when it hit the fan about Nick and Kylie's drunken one night stand that David who got his revenge for his brother's betrayal,will again be portrayed as the 'villain'in his mother's and his sister's eyes for keeping quiet to spare his Sarah's feelings after she believes Gary is dead about Gary and Nicola while Gary will be the 'victim'.
I am getting a little bored with the lesbian/gay stories. We get the point but enough is enough! The Kate and Rana story is not even believable. Rana was so in love with Zee and now she can't keep her hands off of Kate. Isn't it enough that we have Sophie, Billy, Todd, Sean and Kate and now we want to include Rana in the mix. Who is going to be next? Rita?
I agree with Deb in NY, enough is enough. Rana has only been married for a year, this is not very believable, her family will be devastated. Enough with the kissing too. Every time I open news about Corrie, there is more than one picture of Kate and Rana kissing.
Agree with Deb in NY, could we please move on with a male /female relationship that will last.
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