Bethany Platt is going to become a lap dancer in Coronation Street.
The story in today's Sun says that the lap dancing storyline is "...understood to be her attempt to come to terms with her previous harrowing experience.
Mr Curry Sauce tells The Sun: “Becoming a lapdancer is about having control over men for Bethany. She feels she has power over the punters she’s dancing for because they are paying to watch her but can’t touch her. She pities them for wanting her and the fact she refuses to take all her clothes off helps her feel like she’s the one calling the shots. But she keeps what she’s doing a secret.”
A Coronation Street spokeswoman told The Sun: “We don’t comment on storylines.”
Well, we're a blog, a community of fans and commenting on storylines is what we're all about. Anyone else feel as let down and saddened to read of this storyline as I am today?

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I'm beyond sad. I'm disgusted. THIS is how they choose to continue this story? Instead of using it as a way to educate people and show Bethany become a different person (in a good way), we are going to be subjected to more ridiculousness. What in the world are they thinking?
Since I'm in the US, I currently use a pay-to-view service to watch Corrie. If this is the direction things are headed, I may just be saving myself $7 a month before this is over with. Never thought I'd ever say it, but I'm about to stop watching. Guess I need to start thinking about a new Twitter handle. ;)
Not sure who is steering this ship, but I see an iceberg ahead.
Pathetic...disgusting...monumentally disappointing...desperate way to continue this story........l WON’T BE WATCHING!!
Oh come on! that is the direction most would go. It is good to see what happen when a person does not have support afterwards. I would dare say that Sarah would be wrapped up in Gary and Nicola's drama. Bethany need the control back.
Come on, this is the Sun saying this! That rag is as believable as rocking horse poo. Don't believe it until it's confirmed and it probably won't be. I reckon Mr curry sauce has too much time going to waste.
I really hope this isn't true, because if it is I will probably be another viewer who stops watching. I have never warmed up to the character and was hoping she stays in Milan.
Actually it is only one way a person might go. There are many others. I work in the field of helping trauma survivors and this is such a ratings grabbing path for Bethany to take. It would be much more beneficial to depict other choices.
Jeanine in Atlanta............
Will this madness that is now "our Corrie" ever end???? What we are seeing now has no relation to what we were watching before. Endless misery. I guess if the madness won't end that my watching Corrie will.
So not exploiting the woman are we CS? Tune in to see the actress bumping and grinding in next to nothing. Way to boost those ratings.
I don't know if it's true but it's telling of how lazy the writing has become that thinking they'll go for the most cliché and voyeuristic storyline possible sounds perfectly plausible.
Heaven forbid that a girl with enough support around her to get her abusers put in jail would also have enough sense to seek out therapy. If this is all that she could come up with after her change of scenery in Milan she might as well have stayed in Weatherfield learning hairstyling from her grandmother. Mastering a skill is a better way to regain a sense of control over your life and future than turning yourself into a sex toy just like your abusers did.
Lap dancing is one way to make a living and could be a last resort career move for a penniless character. This isn't the case with Bethany and what's distasteful is cynically using this storyline for ratings. Plus, of course, we'll have endless publicity with interviews on daytime TV and in the soap mags where the actress explains why Bethany is doing it.
I'm pitching this as the next OTT, icky storyline in the new year. Carla and Aiden, half-siblings, have a one-off fling or maybe an affair, the result of which is a baby. Should Carla abort the product of an incestuous relationship? Moral outrage all round. Could be this is the reason why Carla and Michelle fall out.
So Nathan the pimp wins in the end. Well done Corrie for keeping the tradition of strong women and feckless men after sixty years.
If the rumors is true about this storyline is true ,whatever sympathy I had for Bethany has turned to disgust and I'm saddened that the writers instead of having Bethany turn her life around for the better has resorted to a sleazy storyline.
Again Bethany's loss of direction is due to her mother putting her love life above her children's welfare as Sarah seemed more concerned about being with Gary in Weatherfield than spending time with her daughter in Milan.
This better not be true - more exploitation of women, sensationalism and a blatant attempt to attract (male?) readers. I have been watching the Street since 1976, and have never, ever, once commented that something could make me quit watching the Street. But this could. This producer could go down in history as the one who brings Corrie to its knees. I am deeply disappointed in her.
If it's true, then... well, I didn't see that one coming! Given what a flake Sarah is I don't think it's really far fatched at all. Not saying that I like the idea, just that I don't think it's that outrageous.
Remembering how Gail constantly looks down on Leanne because of her sordid past and how she thought Leanne wasn't good enough for her 'golden boy'Nick,I cannot wait to see Gail's reaction when she finds out her precious granddaughter is a lap dancer!
Very disappointed if this ends up true. It’ll be a poor way to follow up on such an important storyline. I’d rather Bethany realise how much Craig actually supported her and they get together finally.
Considering some of the ridiculous storylines lately, this wouldn't surprise me at all. I had high hopes of Bethany rebuilding her life and having a successful career - what on earth was I thinking!
If true, what a disappointing ending. Why couldn’t she just go to group therapy, be the girl with best support thoughts and decide she could be a therapist or psychologist or something like that, if she could finish school. Bethany is smart and strong. This is a stupid sensationalist cop out. Uncle Nick is gone, so Uncle David needs to step up because Sarah has dropped the ball.
It's very easy to see how this could happen. The gossip on the street/school would be wild after her stint as a teen prostitute (forced or not, that's what it was) would be a lot for a teenager to deal with, regardless of the support she receives. Which at the moment consists of sending her on holiday.
It would be better to see her struggle of getting her life back, however long it took.
Of course...we're talking ratings here, which is what Corrie's all about.
I've been critical of the program and the writing and have said so only to have my opinions censored.
The program is all about ratings, shock (how many times do we see that word in a spoiler?) and not about a little backstreet and it's pub. Someone said they were thinking of saving their seven dollars. Can't blame you.
Not wondering Where's Emily?? anymore...
Even if this potential storyline is only rumours right now, most likely it will happen. How often are the rumours wrong? I think the current it Kate something?? looking to agitate longtime viewers, who, I think, she feels we are not with the times; and approves these foolish storylines for that reason. Many fans, if not all, do not like what she has done to the show and she knows this. How long more does she have on Corrie? The sooner she moves on, the better!
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