Most of the time Kate's self-righteousness and Clothkits clothes annoy me, but it's hard not to feel sorry for her. She didn't start the crush, but she's the one left heart-broken and getting sh*t from all and sundry about her drunken behaviour. Upset when Zeedan also starts sticking in the boot, she rushes off in the Bistro van without paying due care and attention.
Robert's gone full Mamil, and is in training on his bike (that my bicycling boyfriend claims is a commuting, not triathlon, bike) and is still lying to Michelle about his (non) visit to the doctors. On Maxine's bench, she convinces him to go to the Medical Centre, but before he can make an appointment, three stories collide as Joseph runs off in front of the Bistro van, Robert rushes after them and goes topsy turvy over the top of the vehicle. We're back on the hospital set where we find out that Robert has a nasty gash but is otherwise OK. Well apart from the lump on his "crown jewels downstairs in his nether regions." Tracy performs a useful function and tells Miss Michelle that Robert is mortally afraid of hospitals after his dad was in and out of them when he was dying of cancer.
Beth says that Chesney should be doing the childcare as she sits in the pub with Sinead and Joseph. Izzy takes him to the park, leaving Sinead to get day-drunk. What happened to her teetotalism? Gone with her soap business, and any spark of life that she ever had by living with Chesney. Finding her wobbly in the street, Daniel takes her back to his flat for camomile tea, where Sinead breaks down and they talk about the abortion and admit that they miss each other. Daniel leans in for a kiss but Sinead pulls away, telling him that she's engaged. Sinead went back to Ches, but nothing's changed: she's living the same drudgy life she tried to escape from previously. Chesney does have the good grace to apologise to her, although that is before he discovers - with some interference from Tracy - that Sin was being sinful with Daniel (or so he thinks). Tracy gives Ches some advice - keep your friends close and your Daniels closer and, later, he pretends to make up with Danny-boy.
Colin, on the the other hand, has gone full Norris in his grey tank top and yellow shirt, although he claims he has been influenced by hipsters (norm-core, surely). Liz plays cupid between Mo(o)ira and Colin because she wants Moira out of the flat and away from her Magnolia bubble bath. Colin comes in to the Medical Centre to see Moira, but it's not to check out her Titian charms, but to try to get a blood sample from Norris so he can check out his DNA. Moira's gone from by-the-rulebook stickler to breaking confidentiality and stealing a patient's blood - all for
Gina's already trying to use her influence to get an advance from Dev. She doesn't get it and she also rips Rosie's unsuitable-for-the-cobbles-in-Autumn long stretchy skirt. Gina "pimps" the skirt to Rosie's delight, who suggests she start a Girl Boss type business, buying charity shop clothes and upcycling them. Gina needs something, the debt collectors are closing in. She gives presents of a sparkly top to Sal and a hat to Tim. He doesn't like it, but Tommy Orpington, who Tim still hangs out with, liked and tweeted it.
And finally, Anna gets one on over on Phelan for the first time ever and makes him agree to come up with a plan to save her bacon re: Seb and the ladder. Honestly, Anna, you should just ask Adam over an egg white omelette - the victim has withdrawn his statement, the only evidence the police have is circumstantial. Mind you, every other single person on the street has suffered a miscarriage of justice, why should she be any different?
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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No kidding..cops don't ask Adam or Todd if Anna had ever been to their business? Shoddy writing.
It beggars belief that Robert was the only person working in the kitchen (again) then he walks out leaving the risotto to burn and nobody to make the meals. How does that bistro survive? The producers say they want to be realistic when doing 'issue led' storylines but how about some realism in the day to day scenes?
Also, why was it only Joseph that got checked over by the doctor? Poor Jake was closer to the car as far as I could see.
Why didn't the cops ask if Phelan had been to Todd and Adam's business either?
Seems a reasonable question given the issue of possibly planted evidence.
Because if they went they might talk to Rosie who could corroborate Anna’s story that Pat had been to the law office?
Sadly, Vic (Colin) Reeves isn't going to be around long enough for anything to evolve with Norris, but what I can't get over is Helen Archer from Ambridge, fresh from a harrowing rape story on the radio, hamming it up like mad in the surgery. Equally sadly, and for the same reason, her flirtation with Vic/Colin is going nowhere either!
i dont watch corrie anymore ,i just read the blog saves me 3hrs of torture every week
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