Having tracked Nicola down using a private investigator, Phelan watches as she lets herself into her house before summonsing Gary and telling him it’s now up to him to make contact and lure her back into their lives on the pretext that he wants to be a part of his baby’s life. When Gary tries to refuse, Phelan makes it clear he either plays ball or Sarah will hear the truth. Will Gary be blackmailed?
Billy searches the internet for a guy called Gareth from Stockport. Billy meets up with Gareth and suggests they do the decent thing and tell the police all they remember about the accident. Gareth tells Billy to keep his mouth shut or he’ll personally make sure he pays the price.
Johnny and Jenny show Matthew Singh into the factory hoping to seal the deal. However when they discover some squatters living there, Matthew leaves unimpressed
Mary is ushered out whilst the doctors tend to George. Angie and Jude turn on Mary, demanding to know what she’s done to their son. Deeply upset, Mary assures them she would never harm him but Angie’s disbelieving. Is there more to this than meets the eye?
Kate breaks down and admits to Luke that she doesn’t want to move to Spain but it’s killing her being around Rana.
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Oh dear, oh dear. Do the Connors live so far away that they are unable to check the factory now and again?
Or why not pay Kirk to check on it a few times a day if they're too lazy to do it themselves?
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