Coronation Street producer Kate Oates has repeated her desire to get a battleaxe into the soap.
It's something that she's said often before but as yet, we haven't seen the type of character that we all miss. Well, I know I certainly do and I keep blogging about it too.
And now she's told The Sun that she is actively looking "for a new scathing senior to verbally rip everyone on the cobbles to shreds when they get a bit too big for their boots."
"We all miss a Blanche," said Kate Oates. "I tell you what, I am always interested in another Blanche and we are kind of on the lookout.
"I think Amy Barlow’s a little Blanche. I love her when she’s a little Blanche though, Amy. Some people say ‘oh she’s such a young Tracy’ but I want her as a young Blanche. Maybe she’ll kill someone with her razor-sharp tongue but that’s it."
I think Tim's mum could do well to come into the show as a battleaxe. But why not bring back Roy's mum Sylvia?
See also: Corrie A-Z, B is for Battleaxe
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No one could ever replace Blanche b/c she was one of a kind, Putting a character in who mimics her personality will only look ridiculous!
I'd love to see Sylvia back! But I don't think Stephanie Cole wants to commit to a long-term role...
I agree that consciously looking for a Blanche replacement won't work. Eva's grandmother was supposed to be some sort of battleaxe and that flopped. They missed a trick with Fiz who would have grown into a great busy body on the Street. In any case, I'm not sure Blanche was actually a battleaxe ie: someone who makes everyone's business her own for their own good, naturally. Blanche spoke her mind to comic effect but she wasn't interested in righting wrongs in the community. The best example of a true battleaxe is Ena Sharples.
The problem is Blanche had such a rich history with the street. She first appeared in the 1970s and appeared on various occasions throughout the years before she joined full time in the 1990s. This meant she already knew a lot of the characters and had more reason to comment on their lives. It worked with Blanche, she was just one of a kind. No one has ever replaced Ena Sharples or even Hilda Ogden, and I believe we should let a character like Blanche remain in our memories as 'legendary times'.
I agree with those saying that you can't just create a battleaxe out of thin air. It has to be a character who is both relatively spotless to be able to criticize the others and has known them long enough that they accept the criticism as valid. If you don't have those two elements you couldn't explain why others would put up with the battleaxe's comments.
I agree with Humpty Dumpty that not turning Fizz into the battleaxe-in-waiting was a missed opportunity. Now that she's been duped by a killer and involved in a scam, it's off the table but back in the day she had that potential. So did Eileen until she became a complete idiot during her pairing with Phelan.
Yasmeen is the only present character with enough wit and community concern to take on that role but she's only lived on the street for a hot minute so it would look strange to have her minding everyone's business.
I used to like Teresa Bryant (Jerry Morton's ex) -she was a bit of a battleaxe and could make a comeback.
Stephanie Cole is in a role in "Still Open All Hours" so I expect she isn't available.
Sylvia was great! I'm afraid they can't just pull a battle ax out of thin air like they tried to do with St Ella's mother. It works best if it's someone with some history with the other characters. Given a bit of time maybe Fix could fill the role. I would have said Anna was well on her way to becoming a battle ax, but with her leaving soon I guess that's out.
Blanche was a moral compass, but also was outspoken conscience telling it like it is so had an edge. No one on the Street (save Rita and Roy, who lack that edge) has the moral authority for that role anymore. Even the vicar is a killer. Closest I think Norris can be groomed as a Percy-type male equivalent.
I’d always hoped after seeing ‘The Road To Coronation Street’ in 2010, that Lynda Baron would join the cobbles. If she can play Violet Carson playing a battle axe, then surely she could be a perfect modern battleaxe. One can only hope. ☺️
Blanche was brilliant, she was so funny, especially when sharing scenes with Deirdre. I really dislike how they say they want to "replace" this or that character. Please just concentrate on giving us believable characters we'll care about and let them develop. I'm off to watch some classic Blanche moments on YouTube now!
There can never be another Blanche.
An elderly person working in the Corner Shop would work...earwigging galore! Maybe Dev has an old Auntie that could use a job, and at the same time offer advice.
Remember Maude? She wasn't around long, but while working in the shop for Maureen she could certainly dole out advice whether one wanted it or not.
Better to develop the loads of new characters right now, before introducing even more. Consistency would be nice.
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