The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and things look bleak for Billy.
Billy’s consumed with guilt over lies about the armed robbery. Urging him to get a grip for Summer’s sake, Todd promises to do some research about the car crash to put Billy’s mind at rest. But having contacted a private investigator, Todd reads the report with horror. Todd lies to Billy and tells him that having done some digging, he can assure him that nobody died in the crash. Billy’s overcome with relief.
Todd has dinner with Billy and Summer in the bistro. When Daniel makes a light hearted remark about juicy court cases and defending the indefensible, Todd snaps at him leaving Billy suspicious. Billy searches the internet for a guy called Gareth from Stockport. Billy meets up with Gareth and suggests they do the decent thing and tell the police all they remember about the accident. Gareth tells Billy to keep his mouth shut or he’ll personally make sure he pays the price.
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