The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and Luke starts to get suspicious about Andy’s whereabouts.
Finding some post for Andy at the builder’s yard flat Luke decides to track down one of Andy’s old mates and discovers he never moved to Bristol. He’s suspicious that things don’t add up and he confides in Phelan who promises to look into it!
Phelan formulates a plan to put him off the scent, first sending Luke on a wild goose chase to an address in Birmingham. Luke is then surprised when Andy’s mate Matt tells him that Andy is backpacking round Belize. Oh dear… what’ll Luke do?
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What's concerning me is why neither Vinnie or Andy's bodies have been found floating in the water? Surely by now,An arm or leg of one of the would've been spotted by a member of the public. The water didn't look very deep. I also don't think Phelan weighed down the bodies so they'd sink
Vinnies mam must be getting worriee and andys family but no the writers wont think of that as they want this vile man in screen for the duration to pan out the ever increasing amount of episodes
I don't remember Andy having any friends when he was on the Street,so perhaps 'Matt' is someone Phelan paid off to tell Luke that Andy is 'backpacking'?
Thus hopefully Andy's and Vinnie's bodies will turn up in the water?
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