Phelan is now a murderer. He will be taken down and will have to face the music.
I can't wait.
Will his vendetta against Anna ultimately be his downfall? Or will he kill her? Maybe he will and then get caught. And if Anna gets stitched up and goes to jail or gets killed, how will that affect Faye? And what about Seb? However it comes out...
I can't wait!
Nicola is having Gary's baby. Sarah will have to find out at some point because these things never stay secret for long. I like Gary and Sarah together, and I don't think Gary and Nicola suit as well. So what's going to happen when this all hits the fan?
I can't wait!
Rita finds out tonight if the tumour operation was a success. I've got a good feeling about this. But she sold her flat to that odious Colin so she'll still have to contend with that. Surely her being under the influence of a brain tumour is a legal enough reason to back out of the contract. Come on Adam, you're slithery. You can sort it out.
I can't wait!
Mary's finally got the family she always wanted but it's off to a very rocky start. There's a lot more going on between she and Angie than she realizes with Angie having trouble bonding with baby George and upset that her new mother-in-law seems to be taking over ably. Poor Jude is getting stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her new BFF, Toyah, is a councillor, maybe she'll be a help?
I can't wait.
Sally is now the mayor of Weatherfield so she's the Lady Mayor, right? What does that make Tim? He can't be the Lord Mayor. He's kind of like Prince Philip in that respect. The wife of a King is a Queen but the husband of the Queen isn't always the King. Anyway, Surely there will be a lot of conflict when she needs Prince Tim by her side at formal functions. If last week's episodes are anything to go by, she's going to have to make sure she doesn't let politics overrun her family life. She did say she needed to keep her priorities straight. Someone's going to have to keep her grounded. I hope we get to see a bit of Sally the Politician and see her be successful at it.
I can't wait!
The factory is in ruins. Will it ever rise like a phoenix again? Surely it will. I'm hoping when Carla comes back, she'll put that factory back on the map.
I can't wait!
The whole Connor family seems to be in disarray. Maria made a fool of herself over Aidan who made a fool of himself right back and Eva played them both for fools and she ended up with a flat and a car. An empty victory, I think. Johnny and Jenny got married but starting up the factory seems to be too much for him to think about. Kate's in love with a married woman. They all need their collective heads knocking together. It bears repeating...
Carla's coming back!!
I can't wait!
Tvor (Twitter @tvordlj)

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My longshot guess is that Anna is going to kill Phelan (when he's trying to kill her) and that's how she's going to leave the show. And either she'll die herself anyway, or be sent to prison for killing him.
So even in the end, he still wins and has completely destroyed Anna. Given how dark the show got with Andy's murder I can almost see something like this happening.
Sure hope not, Anon. 17:26. Death is too easy a way out for Phelan.
There are now pictures online of Anna being taken away in handcuffs by the police after a car chase with Faye in the car with her. I wonder if she does kill Phelan and then tries to escape? At the same time I haven't read anywhere that Phelan is going to be written out any time soon, so perhaps he merely frames her instead.
Also I haven't heard anything else about the earlier rumours that Gary Windass is going to be killed off offscreen in the Ukraine. If this does happen, I wonder if this is what finally sends Anna over the edge and this combined with the GBH allegation makes her act irrationally and put Faye's life in danger, leading to her eventual arrest?
Regarding Mayors - we don't elect borough mayors in the UK anyway so the whole story is rubbish. However, Sally would be the Mayor and Tim would be her escort.
Great blog post, Tvor! After last week on Corrie, I needed a fresh perspective with which to keep watching my fave soap! Carla!
Indeed we do. I have posted this previously. Salford, on which Weatherfield is based, elected Paul Dennett as mayor in May 2016 and Andy Burnham was elected mayor Greater Manchester in May 2017. I know as I voted in both these elections
Tilly Flop - they are city or regional mayors. Weatherfield isn't either.
Carla! Carla! Carla!
Can't wait!
As I say, Weatherfield is based on Salford, eg same school holidays, same colour wheelie bins, so why not an elected mayor. What is Weatherfield then?
Weatherfield is fictional!!! So if the writers want it to have a mayor then it will get one! And it doesn't really matter if it's especially realistic or not, since when did that matter to the script writers anyway? They decided to move Sally's character on a bit more, so this is their ideal way to do it.
I think it's about time Sally actually started to climb that social ladder she's so fond of. I was sick of seeing her in the factory and not even a receptionist because Johnny demoted her simply because he hated her voice. The nerve.
I have mixed feelings about Carla's return. Why is she coming back, to re-open that tired old factory yawn. Whose man is she going to steal this time? The pickings are rather slim. Maybe Kevin? Nothing would surprise me. I hope the fans of Carla aren't disappointed.
As mayor, or whatever, Sally will likely take on getting Underworld up and running, or putting a new business in there and creating jobs. An early success would be nice. Maybe she will be the one who convinces Carla to come back. She can flub something later. (And because we always need a nitpick, I thought Toyah is a counselor, not a councillor. If she were, instead of lending an understanding ear, she would have been working with the council to get that faktry up and running, or showing the workers what to do.)
It’s sad but I honestly do not care what happens to Aidan. Wish Johnny would just give him a (small) share the insurance cash and he would leave.
Don’t care about Gary, either. If Nicola does leave, and that would be a shame, the only thing that will happen is one day in the distant future, an angry young redhead will storm back to Weatherfirld looking for the father who abandoned him. If she’s really gone, I wish Gary and Sarah would go live in Milan to support Bethany who is still a kid and understandably might need to move away.
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