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And so, this week on the cobbles, Seb moves in with Sally as he recuperates from his fall off the ladder. Anna’s taken in for questioning by the cops where she’s unable to explain why one of her ear-rings was found at Todd and Adam’s solicitors office. She’s given a warning and told to stay away from Seb.
Over at the Kabin, the odious Colin makes himself at home behind the counter and upstairs in Rita’s flat. But Rita has a change of heart and wants her flat back. Is it too late to activate the get-out clause in the contract of sale? Sadly yes, but that doesn’t stop Adam from changing dates on the contract. In order to do this, Adam and Todd need access to the Kabin to switch the contracts around and so Rosie distracts Colin with her bosoms and the lads nick the keys. But while they’re in there, Colin finds them and threatens them with the cops. It’s too late though as Adam has already found some payslips in Colin’s safe, payslips that are for people who don’t actually work at the Kabin. Colin’s on the fiddle and Adam’s nabbed him. Colin knows he’s been caught out and agrees to sell the flat back.
While Rita’s been homeless she and Gemma have been living with Jenny and Johnny up in their flat at Victoria Court. Rita’s not a pretty sight first thing in the morning and there was a truly wonderful scene where she pulls herself together in her dressing gown, whips out her make-up bag and starts making up her face. “It’s time to gild the lily,” she says to herself in the mirror. Ooh, I do love this sort of stuff.
In Jenny and Johnny’s kitchen, Gemma is looking for something in a kitchen drawer and finds a cheque for eighty thousand pounds. It’s the insurance money for Underworld and she tells Jenny about it. Jenny confronts Johnny and he says he hasn’t told her because he wants them both to retire to Spain. It’s news that Aidan isn’t best pleased to hear and he brands Jenny a gold-digger. Johnny and Jenny show Matthew Singh around the factory as he’s interested in buying it. Meanwhile Aidan and Alya meet with a business advisor with a view to getting a loan for their news business venture.
Mary goes much too far this week in her hell-bent campaign on getting her grips into her son, Jude. She reports Angie to the cops for drink-driving, despite Angie only having a sip of her wine. And the reason that Angie is driving in the first place is because baby George isn’t well and she’s taking him to hospital. When Jude finds out what’s happened he calls his mum “a freak” which was very harsh, but then, Mary was very wrong. It’s Dev who has a quiet word with Mary afterwards and we can only hope that she will listen and take note.
Elsewhere, Chesney is angry and jealous when he finds Sinead with Daniel and his son Joseph. Worse is to come when the so-far silent Joseph starts talking, in Portuguese, to Daniel when he’s still not said a word to his own dad. Beth and Kirk are keen to chip in with their advice for Chesney on fathering Joseph but Ches has had enough. He tells Beth, Kirk and Craig that they need to move out so that he and Sinead have a chance to rekindle their relationship and for him to forge a bond with his son. Ooh, I wonder where they will go?
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Jonathan Harvey (Monday double); Ellen Taylor (Wednesday double). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at
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When Bethany returned from Italy,she hardly spoke Italian but we're supposed to believe that Joseph speaks only Portuguese even though Chesney visited him in the past? Ridiculous and a mean-spirited way just to make Daniel look good in Sinead's eyes.
Speaking of mean spirited storylines,Seb and Faye called Anna every nasty name when they thought she called Social Services but when Sally confessed she was the one who called,Seb acted like she did him a favour?!Really?
These two brats owe Anna an apology!
You're right about Joseph, Anon. I'm sure we've had scenes where Chesney says he's just been speaking to Joseph on the phone. Apart from anything else, Joseph will only have started school in September, hardly any time to get used to being in a class of Portuguese youngsters. This is the way it's going to go. Anomalies all over the place but such a fast pace in Corrie now, there'll be no time to think about them.
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