Our blogger Michael Adams has collected a wonderful range of Coronation Street memorabilia over the years. And today he had some of the collection on show at Houghton Feast, which is a local festival to me. How could I not go along and take a look?
It was a wonderful morning spent viewing Michael's collection which ranged from Corrie wedding table plans through to coffin plates, door name plates from the old Corrie set, characters' clothing, a full range of books and lots more.
Here are a few photographs I took of just some of Michael's very many bits and pieces of Corrie memorabilia that he's collected. Many he has bought from eBay and some he has been given from insiders at the show.
As I was speaking to Micheal and catching up on all things Corrie, an older gentlemen came over to see the collection. He had with him a carrier bag which he handed to Michael and he told him that he would like him to have his own Coronation Street collection of magazines and signed photographs. The man used to write to Coronation Street cast members back in the day and ask them for their autographs. This was just one of the very many that Michael was given. How wonderful!
You can follow Michael's collection on Twitter @CStCollection and view it online at Coronation Street Collection.
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