The dictionary definition of Stalwart reads: Loyal, reliable, and hard-working. My own personal interpretation of Stalwart as far as Coronation Street goes lie in these characters in this blog post who I don't think we're seeing enough of. Yes, bring on the younger characters, of course, we need all ages showcased on the Street. But forget your elders at your peril, too.
Here are some of my favourite stalwarts that I reckon we need to see more of in higher profile storylines and with more screen time too.
Agree? Disagree? As always, we love to hear your views.
Audrey and Gail. Yes, I know that's two for the price of one, but both are being pitifully under used and have been for some time. Maybe Gail will come into her own massaging Eileen Phelan's fevered brow when she finds out what her husband's gone and done. The two of them can swap notes on what life was like being married to a murderer. And Audrey can help pour the gin.
Ken Barlow had a huge storyline earlier this year in the Who Pushed Ken? saga, but it was more a showcase for his family, rather than Ken himself. Let's have Denise Osbourne back as Daniel's mum and she can spark up a flame with Ken again who can float around in his kimono.
Liz, of course. Nothing else needs to be said. Apart from get her name back up above the door at the Rovers.
Roy is very much a peripheral character these days. David Neilson, Roy Cropper and we fans deserve more.
And Yasmeen is a little gem, underused and in the background.
Come on Corrie, do your stuff, you're good at this, you've had 57 years practice. Give the stalwarts a voice and a storyline.
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All these actors - and you could include Sally D because the mayoral campaign is really about Gina - are taken for granted because they are so good at their job. The same applies in offices and factories: loyal, hardworking staff who can turn their hand to anything, lend support where necessary and take a leading role without a huge army of support. I'm guessing these actors don't use social media and therefore won't have zillions of followers, which would have made them very attractive to the advertising team at Corrie. I'd say Liz was the most likely to get a storyline because it will involve a romance and she's the character who's always on the look-out. It's an easy option for the writers. Having said that, I'd quite like to see Yasmeen being courted and caught by an admirer. She is rather school marmy with that severe hair-do but, on the lines of Nanny McPhee, the more she's won round by her suitor, the softer her appearance becomes. And, of course, her grand-children will be astonished.
Could not agree with you more!
Peter! Just give him a decent alcohol free storyline please
I agree except for Gail, but that's only my personal feeling as the less I see of Gail the better!! Tilly Flop, I'd also love to see Peter have a decent storyline rather than this rubbish TPTB have dreamed up for him and Toyah.
Bonnie from Canada
Very good talking point, Flaming Nora! These, and a few other, Corrie stalwarts don't need to have huge controversial storylines to get me interested. I think the writers could be more attentive and creative to keep them in the daily swing of things, as well as create better stories for them in this time of spills and thrills and huuuuuge explosive madness.
Don't let them either disappear into the background (like Roy and Yasmeen), or worse, give them short and silly storylines to keep them busy (Liz). I seem to recall Deirdre being in many scenes that had nothing to with any big thing happening in her life, but she carried these scenes as if they were just as important as her affairs. I know that many others are more than capable of doing that too, but merely get to walk by on the street to mutter greetings and little more.
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