Michelle visits Robert in prison and does her best to buoy him up.
Sinead makes preparations for Joseph's arrival, desperate that he should feel welcome and loved. She gets advice from Yasmeen.
Tyrone's lies become more elaborate. Fiz is annoyed when Tyrone reveals he's spent Hope's money on a van for their scrap business.
Phelan visits Seb with an ulterior motive. Sally's campaigning fails to create a buzz. Phelan visits Seb with an ulterior motive. Sally’s campaigning fails to create a buzz. Tyrone’s lies become more elaborate. Seb causes ructions between Anna and Faye. Sinead nervously prepares for stepmum duties. Who will be elected mayor of Weatherfield?
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Thanks F.N.! Robert looks much better with grey/white hair, don't you think?
Men should never die their hair - Paul McCartney, are you listening?
Wowie - Robert turned white overnight!!!
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