Billy likes to leave his work at the office. Leaving aside his belief that knocking seven bells out of Peter is somehow compatible with a deep Christian faith, Billy apparently can't bear to allow Jesus into his daily life. His flat is decorated with all of Dunelm's most banal signage, but not one of them makes reference to scripture in any way. Whatever else you say about the Bible, I'm pretty sure there are some quite thoughtful quotations in there that would look nice in Times New Roman on a bit of pastel driftwood.
Weatherfield High has gone to the dogs. It's not just that a Spice ciggie was left lying around in the changing rooms; it's not just that Billy can casually mention receiving a text from the Head about drug dealers at the school. It's mainly that all the teenagers currently in the show are awful: they're alternately bitchy, cruel, sly and vengeful. They make the Heathers look like Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme medal winners. Aren't any of Corrie's kids, like, stamp collectors, or really into amateur dramatics, or keen to spend their afternoons kicking a football about, rather than wilfully inflicting misery on humanity?
Social workers are apparently the enemy. If a recently fostered child exhibits a radical change in behaviour and then ends up in hospital due to a drug overdose, Social Services probably should get involved. And if a drug addict and alcoholic is only able to look after her children due to a combination of a teenage apprentice's building wages and a well-intentioned cafe worker, then maybe Social Services should look to see if those small children really are being cared for in the best possible way. Shouting "oh no, it's a social worker!" like the Child Catcher just appeared round the corner with his big net really doesn't help anyone.
Politics is a dirty business. Gina got Dev from undecided to rock solid. Regarding his voting intentions, obviously.
Unemployment can arrive in the oddest of circumstances. Imagine Georgia May Foote, tucked up on the sofa, catching up on Corrie with a glass of wine, only to discover she's now dead. Unless Katy is faking it for the insurance money, it looks like poor Georgia had better hope the roles keep coming in, because she hasn't got the Street to fall back on for a pension any more.
By @merseytart

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I was hoping they would bring Katie back eventually, but hope no more...
Haha, highly amusing blog. Not only does Billy have no religious knick knacks, he doesn't appear to have any parishioners to attend to or sermons to preach.
Oh dear, poor Georgia May Foote right enough. Can't say I'm too gutted about Katy as I'd forgotten all about her.
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