The Big Red Wig award: Rita got wheeled off for brain surgery with not one hair shaved off her head, confirming what we all knew all along. It's a wig!
Rebound award: Eva snogs Adam.
Obnoxious award: Colin. What a creep! (there are many other less-family-friendly words I could have used. Choose your favourite)
Jimmy Olson award: Daniel, the intrepid reporter, takes on a lion in Pat Phelan.
Second Hand Rose award: Gail gave Shona a Marks and Spencer (St. Michael brand) white blazer from her own closet, it seems.
Afternoon Delight award: Daniel's (older) editor, Cindy, wasn't backward in coming forward, was she?
Pants on Fire award: Editor Cindy seems to be hiding the fact that she's married but Phelan saw her putting on her wedding ring. That little piece of information could be useful.
Predictive dialogue: When an absent character is spoken about a few times, it's possible we will see their return. When we also see a photo of them and they seem to be inching into a plotline, Soap Law says it's almost inevitable. The imminent return of Vinny "Harvey" Ashford, then?
Lines of the week:
Bethany to Mel "You didn't do this to me, Nathan did"
Eva to Adam "Well don't think because I'm a bit teary I'm going to jump into bed with you because I'm not" (sure about that, are you? )
Shona about Nathan "Look at him. Mr. Nice Guy. This is going to be Oscar winning"
Rita "I don't want to end up like the Zambezi (club) Norris, a sad reminder of the woman I once was"
Todd to Colin "Is there sommat wrong with you?" (yes. yes there is.)
Phelan "I'm no killer" (everything else, though)
Norris about Colin "That man is going to drive me to an early grave. He's mind-numbingly dull"
Bethany to Mel "He kept you around to make the rest of us feel safer. He used you!" (Bingo!)

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How long left till the 3 months contract is up for Vic Reeves? I totally disliked this talentless man before Corrie, but his time on the cobbles is taking the dislike to another level. I really cannot bear to watch him on screen
I loved the compassionate best friend in Norris's nature. Really touching. And...good to see other facets of people's personalities other than lying, cheating, anger outbursts and Pat Phelan's evil ways.
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