Welcome to part one of this week's Wednesday double!.
As Corrie gears up towards next week's action-packed 'Phelan Week', just what lays ahead in tonight's episodes?
Opening up with Peter sweeping outside The Rovers, repercussions from reverend 'right hook' Billy's violent outburst are plainly clear, in Peter's battered face. Gina brainstorms over the buzzy bee campaign to win 'hearts and minds' but Gina's heart isn't it, preferring to decamp to sister Sally's election campaign. Kirk, however, remains jubilant but will be facing the press on his own. Gina is welcomed back into Sally's camp, without any hesitation.
Over at the hospital, Billy and Todd are shocked to receive a call from social services about Summer's 'spice' drama. Billy has to admit his assault on Peter, Todd is fuming.
Over at Roy's Rolls , social services are also on Anna's mind. She's has clearly told Sally and Tim about poor Seb and his mother's damaging addictions.
As Seb is struggling financially on Phelan's enterprise scheme, Anna subtly plants a thought in the youngster's head. Seb, having recently spied Phelan's cash has a plan to win a wage increase from the builder. Will he succeed?.
Whilst Billy attempts an apology to Peter, Barlow takes the upper hand and promises Billy some serious repercussions, should they ever lock horns again. It's handshakes all round, which appears to clear the air, but how long will that last?. A skulking Simon appears out of shot, he has heard everything!.
Back at The Rovers, Izzy receives a startling call from Owen; KATY IS DEAD!. Surely, the shock-waves from this (definitely spoilt by the media) sudden death, will be felt reverberating around the Red Rec, or as I think, a rather forgettable sub-plot?
Back at The Rovers, the Appleton's are settling in to Manchester life and are looking to set up home in Whalley Range.
With all the sadness, Mary singing The Smiths classic 'Miserable Lie' has me laughing out loud.
A magical moment for this Morrissey fan.
Is Angie Appleton living a miserable lie?. It seems poignant as she informs Jude of a job promised, back in Cape Town!.
Over at the hospital (I'd forgotten he was there), Chesney is delivered the harrowing news, as Sinead informs him of Katy's untimely demise. Panicked, stressed and still quite ill, a gallant Chesney breaks out of hospital!. Helped by Dev, Chesney plans to head to Portugal to collect his son. Poor Chez, what a year for the lad. Will this have repercussions for his future with Sinead?.
Back at their flat, Todd and Billy have another visit from the social worker. Quick as a flash, in comes Simon Barlow blurting out the news of his Dad's recent skirmish with Billy.
'He's not a vicar, he's a hypocrite!' screams Simon.
This from the lad who bullied Summer into smoking the dubious 'doobie' in the first place.
Who's the hypocrite, Simon?.
And as for the Vicar?. Lets hope Billy's vicar days aren't over, as an emotional Sinead gives Chez a shock marriage proposal!!.
So that's me done for part one. Do follow my pal @Glenn_Writer as he reviews episode two of tonight's drama.
Will Billy regret that right hook? has Daniel lost Sinead for good? and will Mary's Morrissey obsession ruin her relationship with Angie Appleton?.
Speak next week!
I am @rybazoxo
Editor at large @Drunkonmusic2
Your Cobbles connossiuer

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