The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street!
Following her diagnosis Rita is desperate to return to her own home. When Todd and Adam hit upon a plan to make Colin pull out of the sale of Rita’s flat Aidan realises they have not been acting strictly within the law and he tells Billy about Todd’s less than ethical behaviour.
Furious Todd seizes his opportunity to get his own back by exposing Aidan as homeless to the financial advisor trying to sort him a business loan.
Meanwhile Johnny’s surprised when Matthew Singh emails him expressing an interest in buying the factory. Johnny and Jenny show Matthew Singh round the factory. They’re shocked to find Aidan’s things and realise he’s been sleeping there.
When Todd realises that thanks to Alya’s intervention his plan has not had the desired effect he takes drastic measures. As Aidan and Alya load up their new van with material and park it round the back of the factory as Todd watches on.
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If Rita hasn't signed the contract then it's a non starter anyway.
Wouldn’t it also be if she were under duress or not capable of making a sound decision, which the tumor might have made her? It’s a soap but still... I don’t want Colin as a neighbor.
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