Radio Times have been running a poll this week asking Coronation Street fans to vote for their favourite villain.
Pat Phelan is topping the poll at the time of writing this blog post, with Richard Hillman not far behind.
Do you agree with the poll results? Disagree?
Have you say and vote here.
You might also like to have a look at our own Blog list of the top 10 Corrie villains. It's here!
And our top 10 Corrie bad girls too. It's here!
Richard Hillman was such a good baddie I even wrote a book about him! Norman Bates with a Briefcase. He left Duggie Ferguson for dead, killed his ex-wife Patricia, murdered Maxine Peacock and tried to kill Emily Bishop - twice! Kidnapped the Platts and drove them into the canal.
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The actor has made a brilliant job of very dodgy character development. I've always felt with Phelan that storylines were being made up as the writers went along. His back story with Nicola has been stuck on along with those revelations to her about his violent father. By contrast, my favourite villain, Tony Gordon, had a much clearer story arc. Additionally, he had terrific sexual charisma which always helps with villainy. Phelan just doesn't cut it in that department.
It'll always be Richard for me.
I agree with Humpty about Tony. Also, Charlie Stubbs, whose ability to psychologically manipulate was second to none.
Is Pat Phelan the best Corrie villain ever? I agree with Louby, he's tied with Charlie Stubbs.
As for sexual charisma, I'm not sure how other people define it. I guess Tony Gordon had "it," but the whole Carla-Liam-Maria thing was so overwrought, any sexual chemistry ultimately got bulldozed by OTT melodrama, imho.
Richard Hillman, meh. Cookie-cutter, faux corporate shill, psychologically weak, whiny, self-pitying. Couldn't stand him. Less Norman Bates with a briefcase than John Stape with better hair and a briefcase.
Pat Phelan is like a character named Deflores from a 17th century play, The Changeling. He's ostensibly ugly, self-serving (while appearing honest) and, through superiority in the art of manipulation, he succeeds in bringing the woman he loves (and who loathes him) to such a debased condition, she has no choice but to sleep with him.
At least that was how it went down with Anna.
I also like that Phelan's charisma now extends beyond his ability to manipulate women. Andy is well under his thumb as well.
What finally makes the character so compelling to watch is the suggestion that he might genuinely love Nicola and Eileen. He seemed absolutely panicked when he thought Vinnie's hitman had harmed Eileen.
I can't stand Phelan, he makes my skin crawl. He's a cartoon baddie who only needs a handlebar moustache to twirl. And charming? No, never.
The sooner he goes, the better I'll like it.
Best villain for me was Charlie Stubbs, Master Manipulator. He could've taught Phelan a thing or two.
I'm with Derelict Cucumberpatch! I don't find Phelan scary at all. He's just an awful man who's wandered The Street for too long.
So many to choose from
Alan Bradley.....just plain mean.
Pat Phelan.......born bad
Richard Hillman..smarmy little worm
Charlie Stubbs...more a player than anything...small time guy
Jez Quiggly.....He made my skin crawl..real dirtbag
For me? Nathan....preying on young innocent HE was the master manipulator
Nope. He's overstayed his welcome and the writers seem to be adding on and adding on, not knowing when to stop, now making him a Pantomime villain. Despite the actor being very good, he's everywhere,making it Phelan Street. There are far too many discrepancies in the story to make it believable. Andy in the basement all these months, Phelan buying a derelict house, despite never doing any work and owing all his neighbours money and then his long lost daughter turning up out of the blue, guess where, on the very street he lives.
Charlie Stubbs as you say was someone you wanted to scream at the telly for what he did to Shelley. He was so manipulative. That was such a great story on how one man could reduce such an outgoing, fun woman to a nervous wreck who was afraid of her shadow. The way she left the church and marched out down the street in her wedding dress was one of my favourites ever.
I loved the Richard Hillman saga because he managed to con so many. Nobody would believe Audrey and yet we all knew she was right. Audrey and Archie were so good together in this story. Characters were more rounded then.
So no imho Phelan isn't up there with the great baddies of the street - I can't wait for him to go!
I can't wait until Phelan is gone from the show permanently. He's a horrible character and I've hated the writers storylines. He's certainly not the best villain. He's the best Worst character ever. As commented above, he makes my skin crawl too. What have the writers done to our beloved Coronation Street. It used to be a show we loved and was like any neighbourhood around, as if the characters were your friends. Now, I don't miss my friends if I skip watching. I'm sick of so many characters crying or whimpering about something. It's turned into a dark depressing show. Phelan is so much a part of the darkness, please end this long drawn out story.
Corrie no more, for now, for this Canadian.
Phelan is definitely the worst thug ever - probably made more so because his story line just goes on and on ad nauseum! He's killed enough people now and hurt enough others, please please please writers just get him punished and
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