There's a wonderful interview with Connor McIntyre, who plays Pat Phelan in Coronation Street in The Radio Times today. Tonight in Corrie marks the start of Phelan's biggest and darkest week so ar in the soap. And as you can tell from the picture above, it looks like daughter Nicola is going to get on the dark side of her dad too.
Connor talks to Radio Times about playing a proper Corrie villain and how he knows that fans are expecting Phelan to get his comeuppance too.
He says: " The reaction I usually get is, ‘you’re so horrible. We really hate you. But we don’t want them to kill you yet.’ The only time it gets disturbing for me is when it’s older people, whose memory isn’t quite what it was. So they see my face and they know it doesn’t have good associations. That’s when I rush over to put them at their ease. It really upsets me to see anyone get genuinely frightened.”
He also talks about the creative side of his life - acting and painting - and talks philosophy too. He really does come across as a great guy in real life, far removed from Phelan of course, which is the mark of a very good actor.
Read the full interview here.
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Ugh, I can't wait to see the back of him.
As I get to understand more about social media, I realise there are two (at least) kinds of Corrie fans. The first are fans of the show, who take a wide lens view of life on the Street. The second are fans of individual characters and more particularly the actors playing them. It must be down to Twitter and Facebook that some characters/actors are strangely more popular than others: Conan McIntyre, Kate Ford, Kym Marsh, because they engage with their followers. Their characters are not well drawn but the actors have become popular. I'm in the first lot of fans and I must be in a minority who are not particularly interested in individual cast members. Corrie is not the continuing drama it used to be; it's becoming more about the actors and the quality has dropped accordingly.
I have to admit that just last week I was quite pleased to see that Connor had liked one of my tweets. It's nice to see how he chats a little with people and seems so far removed from his character. That being said, I consider myself a fan of the Street. Sure, I have my favourite characters and those like Phelan that I love to hate, but without the Street the actors don't mean much to me over here in Canada. I'm looking forward to seeing how Phelan's story plays out on tv and how Connor and Nicola handle fan comments. I guess I fall somewhere in the middle of Humpty's categories.
When the actors show their appreciation by interacting with the fans, it certainly does make you more involved with the character on screen. I've always been a combination of both, I think, looking at the overall picture with storylines that I like or dislike and then characters that I like or dislike. Even a character I dislike can be a favourite if the acting is superb, like Connor McIntyre, or past actors like Gray O'Brien or Brian Capron. Even when David Platt was at his most unlikeable, Jack P Shepherd made him very watchable.
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