You don’t half see some strange things on t’Internet. I can’t even remember how I found this but it is guaranteed to give you the willies this Halloween.
There is a theory suggesting that the Corrie tram crash of December 2010 featured subliminal satanic messages. The argument centres on a piece of broken wood, which is believed to be a goat’s skull with horns on it. Check this out:
Could the powers that be have inserted a satanic symbol into our beloved soap? I doubt it.
Still, the devil is in the detail and it was nice to see Rosie recently acknowledge her past life as a Goth and the "strictly held beliefs" she would have died for.
Maybe it's time Craig Harris returned to Weatherfield? He could rock up in his leather trench coat and satanic goat necklace and whisk Rosie off to a Sisters of Mercy gig.
Come on Corrie - be a devil! Happy Halloween, everyone.
By Martin Leay, on Twitter @mpleay

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