High Noon award: Brian and Dev, flowers at 20 paces. Eileen and Gail, shampoo bottles at the ready.
Spoiled Rotten award: Steve takes the dog for a carry, not a walk.
Fool for Love award: Dev. And not for the first time. Now he's lost them both.
Predator Award: Dan the Brewery Man sees Kirk and Jason as poker virgins and easy targets.
Musical Ambiance: "Suspicious Minds" playing in the pub when Brian told Julie Dev was looking cozy with Talisa.

Dexterity award: Liz and Michelle were able to relock (and presumably unlock again) the padlock through the small openings of the gate.
Badger, badger, badger award: Brian wasn't going to let up the pressure until he talked Julie round. And he did, kind of. In any case, they left together. Reunited? Time will tell but probably.
Continuity fail award: Why did Sean give Julie flowers meant for Sinead except the hospital didn't allow them? Sinead's been home from the hospital for weeks and weeks.
Fashion award: Julie's awesome pink and white dress made a glorious appearance. Find out more about that dress here.
Lines of the week:
Gail about Michael "He's a failed burglar, with a dodgy heart and a fondness for Y-fronts."
Todd about Eileen's kiss with Michael "I know you're desperate, but that's practically grave robbing."
Julie "The partner could be wearing a sandwich board with 'I don't love you anymore' and the penny still wouldn't drop" (Um..."
Brian about Dev "I've seen his sort. Hair oil and shopworn charm" (that's Dev to a tee!)
Eileen "You are going to let me walk away while I still have my dignity and you still have your teeth!"
Dan "I'm a bad loser. Especially to a woman" (Alarm bells are going off)
Eileen to Michael "You married Gail! That makes you persona non-starter in my house" (you say that *now*)
Eileen "Just stick that in your pipe and Tweet it"
Steve "A rapid change of subject. What am I missing?"
Erica "If there was a nuclear war, I'd be the last thing standing. Me and the cockroaches"
Roy "Grief does strange things to a person" (it certainly does)
Julie "It's not that I'm unwilling to give you a second chance. It's that I'm unwilling to be second best"
Julie "The only baggage I want on this trip are my suitcases"
Mary to Dev "You know, sometimes you have all the emotional sensitifity of a pineapple" and to Julie "Dev's lost is the whole world's gain" (and somehow, I think that's exactly what's going to happen. Look out, world!)
Lloyd "Seatbelts on. Smiles off"
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D'you know, I thought I was losing my marbles when Sean gave Julie those flowers and said they were meant for Sinead but the hospital didn't allow them. I wondered if I had missed something and she had been readmitted, it does seem like ages since we saw her.
I was hoping Julie would go on her own and Brian would stay as a kind of companion for Ken, but alas not to be! Would be nice to see him back permanently one day.
I don't think Sean was saying he originally bought those flowers for Sinead. He bought them for Julie but was just generally chatting about how Sinead told him that flowers weren't allowed in hospital when she was in there - just small talk as Julie was being unresponsive. If anything this was good continuity, remembering Sinead's hospital stay!
Ohh that makes sense, Anon.
As I commented yesterday, this was the best week on Corrie in a very long time. Every episode felt coherent between different writers. I loved that the comedy was interwoven into the script rather than having a comedy situation forced into the plot. It felt like the essence of the 'old Corrie' was still here. Please keep this standard up!!! Brian and Julie are a great loss but perhaps Brian will be back as a permanent lodger for Ken after the cruise. This week I almost forgave the writers for forgetting Kevin's son died!
Let him go award.For what it's worth,I'm starting to feel sorry for Gail.Granted she lied to Michael but so did Andy [who started this whole mess] as a 'joke' and yet Michael was able to forgive him but not the woman whose house he was trying to rob?A bit hyporcritical methinks andperhaps Gail is better off without him? Michael isn't winning me over either by getting involved with Eileen who had an affair with a married man whose wife had Alzheimers.
I agree - this was the best week for Corrie in a long time, reaching back to the stellar writing and mix of comedy/drama that the show used to feature on a regular basis. I have watched each and every episode since the 1970's and continue to do so out of loyalty to all that Corrie was and should be again. Sad to say that sometimes it's a bit of a slog. Here's hoping!
Gail is nutty as squirrel crap. Who else would take someone on while they are vulnerable in a salon. Her's mother's salon. With the whole Street eventually watching the nonsense outdoors. Michael is well rid of Gail and her idiotic behaviour.
Finally Julie is gone. One of the most annoying characters ever. They gave her far too many one liners which weren't funny one bit. As for Brian... obviously a match made in heaven. Hope they never come back.
Get it over with already. Bye Julie..go away now. Tired of the sad doe eyed carry on. Too bad you couldn't have smuggled Dev off with you.
Has your brain injury returned? award: Why would Nick tell Erica he wants to carry on their relationship when she was happy to break it off now she is no longer pregnant and his feelings are clearly with Carla? Cant make head nor tail of it.
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