Deirdre's friends reminiscing about her in the Rovers, and especially about her track record with men, prompted me to look up the men she dallied with over the years.
Below is a list of all Deirdre's men with a brief synopsis, with a link to their profile on Corriepedia.
1. Jimmy Frazer (1972)
When we first met Deirdre, she was Jimmy Frazer's floozy. It is unknown if this was just a one-time association. Jimmy was around 40 years older than Deirdre. When she returned in 1973, she was no longer tied to Jimmy.
2. Alan Howard (1973)
She made a pass at Elsie's husband during a party at No.11.
3. Ray Langton (1973, 1975-1978)

Deirdre caught the eye of publican son Billy who was 17 years her senior. After a whirlwind romance, they got engaged and planned a big wedding, to the chagrin of Annie Walker. But weeks before the wedding, Billy got cold feet and fled to Jersey leaving Deirdre heartbroken. When he visited in 1979, he asked newly divorced Deirdre to join him in Jersey but she refused. In 1984, he made a pass at her while Ken was away but she rebuffed him. Who knows, if things had worked out differently, Deirdre might have become landlady of the Rovers!
5. Maurice Gordon (1975)
With her engagement to Billy broken, she sought solace in Maurice and had a few drinks with him. A few weeks later she was mortified to see Maurice again and when he tried to force himself on her, Ray stepped in. When Ray comforted her, they kissed and they were married in a month!
6. Mike Baldwin (1979, 1981, 1982-1983)

7. Ken Barlow (1979-1980, 1981-1990, 1993, 1996-1997, 1999-2015)
After an on/off romance, they eventually married in 1981. The marriage survived Deirdre's affair with Mike in 1982/3. Ken adopted Tracy in 1985. In 1987, Deirdre was elected councillor and this annoyed Ken as she was now on the same social level as he was. With Deirdre constantly in meetings, Ken had an affair with Wendy Crozier which ended the marriage in 1990. They had brief reconciliations in 1993 and 1996 but didn't reunite properly until 1999, thanks to Blanche's matchmaking. Despite Deirdre's fling with Dev in 2001, they married again in 2005. While both Ken and Deirdre strayed once again, they stayed together until Deirdre's untimely death.
8. Dirk van der Stek (1981)
A colleague of Ray's in Holland. He updated Deirdre on Ray's life and took her out once or twice. While Ken warned him off Deirdre, it didn't stop him offering Deirdre to come to Holland for a visit. Deirdre never took up the offer.
9. Dave Barton (1990)

David Beckett, who played Dave Barton, married Anne Kirkbride in 1992.
10. Phil Jennings (1990-1991)
Suave businessman Phil was attracted to Deirdre's feistiness when she campaigned against his amusement arcades. Ken once again interfered, but to no avail. Phil and Deirdre spent New Year in Paris. He later helped Deirdre with her council campaign against Alf in 1991, but she lost. Phil hid the fact that he was in debt and indeed married. Deirdre found this out before he fled the country and came to the conclusion that she was just one of his mistresses.
11. Doug Murray (1992)
She dated Doug for a while and Tracy had a crush on him. Deirdre dumped him when he used Tracy for his financial gains.
12. Samir Rachid (1994-1995)

13. Stephen Reid (1996)
She reluctantly went on a few dates with Stephen Reid, her first since Samir's death. But she ended things when she sensed he only asked her out out of pity.
14. Jon Lindsay (1997)

Deirdre returned to work in the Corner Shop in 2000 and found herself falling for new owner Dev. Dissatisfied with her life with Ken yet again, and after rowing with him and Peter, she slept with Dev. She was disappointed when Dev later rejected her. She kept the fling a secret until 2003 when Tracy began dating Dev. Ken was furious but forgave her.
16. Lewis Archer (2010)
After charming Rita and beginning a relationship with Audrey, Deirdre found herself under escort Lewis' spell. He pretended that he fancied her, but in reality he was only using her to get his hands on the bookies' money. When he feared that she had found him out, he kissed her which was videoed on a CCTV camera. Lewis eventually stole £4000 from the bookies and fled. Peter sacked Deirdre and she also got a tart in the face by Gail.
And there we have it, Deirdre's conquests. But who was Deirdre's true love? In my opinion, it was good old Ken!
by Llifon
All original work on the Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
She was actually a bit of a floozie.
She has always said that Samir was the love of her life -- she said it not long before she went away, as well.
He was certainly the passion of her life. I can't imagine Ken ever inspired true passion in Deirdre. She married him the first time to have a family and father figure for Tracy and he was a good man but too old for her in a lot of ways in addition to the age itself. Mike Baldwin was equally older but a lot more passionate and dynamic and I truly believe that Deirdre was the true love of Mike's life though he did love Alma dearly. I think Deirdre really was the one that got away for him. She also had quite a thing for older men in many cases but Samir was much younger, so was Dev younger and probably STephen Reid. I guess the rest were around her age.
Stephen Reid would be 59 now, so only a year younger than Deirdre. I agree, though, that Samir was the passion of her life. She married him even though she was aware of the problems they would be facing. She loved Ken, but it's hard to imagine him inspiring the same kind of passion.
It is interesting that there was really only 18 years difference between Deirdre and Samir, and that was considered such a big deal, but the 16 years by which Ken is older than Deirdre was never viewed as such a problem.
Billy Walker and Ray Langton were both just about that same amount older as was Mike. For awhile there I thought that's all she'd go for until Samir broke the mold :)
She didn't just break that mould, she threw it up against the wall and smashed it! :-)
Wow, can't believe it was 1990 that Deirdre met Dave Barton, that was after a chip pan fire in the kitchen of number 1 wasn't it? And Samir was such a lovely man, I'm wouldn't be surprised that he was the one true love of her life. Eeeeh she were a bit of a one, were our Deirdre!
Nice blog, Llifon,
Thanks Dolly! :)
I can't help but think that despite her affairs with Mike Baldwin and Dev,that it's ironic that Deirdre didn't return home because she was 'ashamed'of Tracy's affair with Tony even though Liz had her own share of affairs while married to Jim and didn't tell her 'best friend' about Peter's affair with Tina.
I think that was one of the most contrived reasons for Deirdre to stay away.
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