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Bethany started school at Weatherfield High this week although she didn’t last long. She’s only there five minutes before she’s taking long lunch breaks and lying around the Platt house on the sofa in a onesie. I’m loving Bethany and Sarah being back, especially Bethany calling her uncles Nicky and Dave, which really winds them up.
Nicky has much on his mind this week when he starts falling for Carla and she starts falling back. They fall together so much they even meet in the middle and kiss, that is, until Erica returns with a baby bombshell. She’s pregnant, she tells Nick. Oh ‘eck.
Sinead’s released from hospital on crutches and Chesney fusses round her. Alya makes the most of Sinead’s sick leave and gives her some basques to bling up at the tea table while she’s sitting round the house with nothing else to do.
Sarah starts work at the Rovers this week. It’s not her natural habitat, and she hasn’t acclimatised yet. I hope she never does. Not because I don’t want her working there, I think she fits in fine. It’s just that she’s not your normal smiling, happy, servile serving wench that the Rovers favours in a throwback to a golden, rosy age of barmaids with big bosoms and a heart as big as Salford. No pub I know these days has a barmaid like that. Sarah’s surly, ‘I’m only here for the money ‘cos I can’t get work anywhere else’ attitude is right on trend, as they say. She’ll be on a zero hour contract next, that’ll give her something to gripe about.
Also at the Rovers, there was a great line this week when Liz commented on how the pub attracted an international clientele. Norris huffed: “Polish labourers don’t count!”
Tim’s loving spending time with his granddaughter Miley, but Sally isn’t too happy with him cooing over anyone other than her. “I wonder what babies think?” asked Tim. “Probably the same as you,” said Sally. “Is it edible and have I wet myself?” Sally and Tim are one of the absolute joys of Corrie right now.
Roy’s new friend Cathy from the allotment comes into the café to meet Roy. She doesn’t stay long and after a mild panic she leaves while Roy’s changing his cardigan. Odd behaviour indeed, but Roy more than anyone understands odd behaviour and it’s just a matter of time before these two become firm friends.
Roy has more to do this week when he gets involved in the Corrie Curry Club with Tyrone, Gary and Luke. It’s great to see Roy interacting with the young lads of the Street and I can only hope for more.
Sally’s still upset over the graffiti on the side of her house until Roy tells her it could be a Banksy and worth a fortune. She sets up camp in a deckchair dreaming of a new house in Hale Barnes, so that no one can scrub the masterpiece off her brickwork and calls an art dealer. He takes one look at it and tells her it’s fake. Norris’ power-washer gets used to blast the paint off.
And finally this week, Jenny Bradley’s behaviour gets increasingly odd as she starts to monopolise little Jack, not letting anyone else near him, not even Kev. She’s causing a rift between Kev and Sophie too and lies to Kevin that Sophie attacked her. Oh, she’s a bad ‘un and no mistake, is Jenny. I blame her dad.
And that was just about that for this week.
This week's writers were Julie Jones (Monday); Ben Tagoe (Monday); Susan Oudot (Wednesday); Damon Rochefort (Friday); Jayne Hollinson (Friday). Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
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I'm trying to think of the last time there was a normal smiling, happy, servile serving wench behind the Rovers' bar.
Anonymous,I think the last happy barmaid was Betty Williams.
I am not looking forward to see Sarah follow in Tina's footsteps as a whiny,spoiled surly barmaid.
I can't abide Bethany or Sarah, fingers crossed they are not permanent fixtures.
Lose the eye liner and lipstick..Beth looks older than her mother by 10 years!
Erika being pregnant disgusts me. She's 50 if she's a day and the idea of some pointless sex turning into a lifetime of committed child rearing is ridiculous for someone her age.
Eva was (mostly) happy. Happy and funny.
I miss Eva!
I miss Bet Lynch.
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