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Tuesday 26 May 2015

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 25 May 2015

May 2015

Liz’s dream of a life in the sunshine with Tony is well and truly shattered. Tracy relishes the telling and Liz’s absolute devastation. The revelation is twofold – one is the affair and the other is the buying of the half share of the pub.

Julie and Sean have done a wonderful job and as Liz walks in to admire it, she lights a cigarette. Sean and Julie’s warning that the whole ‘marquee’ could go up in smoke if she is not careful, may well foreshadow what is to come…

This of course takes place just as the final preparations are being made at The Rovers for Steve and Michelle’s wedding. It is then amidst much activity outside in the prepared ‘marquee’ of Liz’s pub, on the day her beloved son is to marry the woman, of whom Liz says, ‘ That girl is the best thing that ever happened to you,’ to her son. This wedding is the realization of a dear wish of Liz’s, particularly because of the difficult time the family has had due to Steve’s depression, which, though improving, is ongoing.

‘I think it’s time you found out the truth,’ is Tracy’s opening gambit. Liz has no idea what she is talking about. Tracy tells Liz that the stockroom of Barlow’s Buys has 'seen a lot of action.’ Liz is slow to catch on, so removed from her thinking is the idea that Tony would be unfaithful.

‘He’s been cheating on you Liz – with me.’
Still Liz is unconvinced. ‘’Me and Tony are rock-solid.’
Tracy tells Liz of the mysterious Travis, revealing that it is, in fact, Tony.
Tracy adds, ‘If it wasn’t for Carla, we’d be behind the bar by now.’

Liz is convinced now, as Tracy tells her exactly where Tony has a tattoo. This is an enormous blow for Liz. She loves Tony and was ready to share her life with him, move to Spain, begin a new chapter – the whole shebang. But it’s not to be. It is my belief that Tony will wholeheartedly regret ever having got involved with Tracy Barlow.

Liz tells Carla about Tony and Tracy’s affair. Carla sees what a terrible state Liz is in. She is shaking and barely able to speak, and to add a sense of urgency and drama, it’s time, almost for them to go to the wedding.

 Carla tells Tracy that she knows everything. She also tells Tracy that by far the best thing would be if Tracy stayed away from the wedding. 

Tracy will not take anything lying down, as we all know. She persuades Sean to let her into the back room of The Rovers saying that Amy has forgotten her tiara.  She chooses her moment and slips behind the bar. From Michelle’s handbag she takes Carla’s keys. We know full well that Tracy will have no compunction about entering Carla’s flat.

From one woman presenting unhinged behaviour to another - this time Jenny Bradley.   Jack is in a suit today and Jenny asks Sophie and Maddie to keep him clean as they play for a few minutes. However, mud is spotted on a small boy who has been out playing.  Hold the front page!!

 Though we know only too well that Jenny has been behaving strangely around Jack, who she has been looking after almost every day since Kevin and she became an item, she goes completely over the top at Sophie and Maddie who have broken the law, by allowing a speck of mud to land on Jack.
 Jenny is obviously devoted to Jack but is she about to put him in danger? Kevin tells her that Jack will be attending nursery so that now Jenny will have more free time. But Jenny does not want more free time, she wants all her time to be spent with Jack. Jenny claims a migraine and Kevin has to go alone to the wedding. And then! Jenny reveals that she and Jack are moving to Hull.

The least convincing of relationships in recent years is the one between Leanne and Kal. Nevertheless, with zero chemistry apparent to viewers, Kal is going to ask Leanne to be his wife. Strangely, Yasmeen and Sharif are delighted. Maybe I missed it, but when did Leanne gain the approval of Kal’s parents? Alya is pleased which doesn’t surprise us at all, as Alya has confided in Leanne  about her relationship with  Gary. (Is that still going on?)  Zeedan is disapproving but then he disapproves of life, so it’s only to be expected that he will disapprove of his father’s wish to marry Leanne. He is though better than we would have expected. He clearly misses his mum and feels that Kal remarrying is a betrayal to her. It's a shame that we were not informed of the changing attitudes of the Nazirs to a non-Muslim woman, who their son wishes to marry. 
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Tvor said...

But in the end Zeedan did give his father his blessing. I thought it was a nice little scene, with Zeedan admitting he liked Leanne but that it made him feel like he was betraying his mother. He made a mature decision, though and agreed his father should go for it

Humpty Dumpty said...

Curious about Jenny's connection with Hull. Was that where was living beforehand? I don't recall anything being said about her previous life apart from a messy divorce. Quite how she thought she could escape Kevin following her in hot pursuit is another matter. Slightly disappointed with this story in that we all guessed early on that she'd lost a child. I was hoping for a twist eg that her children were living with their dad or had been taken into care because of her neglect and she was now over-compensating. In fact, she might have done it several times.

Anonymous said...

We've seen Zeedan and Leanne's relationship slowly improving over time, so that was a nice moment between him and Kal. On the other hand, I was completely surprised by Yasmeen's reaction to the news.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was ironic that Liz would confide in Carla about Tony and Tracy's affair especially since Liz kept quiet about Tina and Peter.

AmandaB said...

Loved Tracy getting the ornament to hit Carla over the head.

Sevin said...

Anyone think that Jenny's baby was a girl and was called Rita? Or a boy called Alan?

Frosty the Snowman said...

How did Tracy walk into Carla's flat like that? Dont those posh flats have PIN NO entry systems or even a security guard at the reception? Of course now Amy is going to think it was all her fault as she left the candle. I just want to slap Tracy's gurning self pitying face.

AmandaB said...

Tracy had stolen Michelle's keys.

Bert the Burglar said...

Fair enough she had stolen the keys after the very contrived "the keys are in my handbag" scene but this is 2015 and you just dont open the front entrances of blocks of flats with keys any longer.

maggie muggins said...

Yes, Tracy picking up the heavy ornament to hit Carla with was great! (well, not great) Didn't expect that, thought she would set the fire deliberately. Didn't she know the person she heard in the bathroom was Amy? And if I was sleeping 3 feet from the front door, I think I'd hear someone entering, clicking the door shut, then striking a match to light a candle!


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