I think that this week's prop puzzle is quite tricky, just tell us whereabouts on the Coronation Street set you would find this pile of old books.
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The Barlows' house? The "quite tricky" might be a hint at Ken's penchant for puzzles.
Ken Barlows as he is the only one who would read father than pub it.
Roy's flat?
If it was the Barlow's it wouldn't be "quite tricky", it would be "simple beyond belief".
Yup, I'm going with Roy's flat also.
Maybe Roy's Rolls. Remember the "library" plan that got out of control?
Maybe the pile is being used as a door stop or table leg or foot stool...in which case I would guess the Platts. Why not, that's where all the action is!
The community centre
What a sad commentary on the educational attitudes on that street that only 2 homes seem a likely place for a small stack of books!
The bring & buy sale at the church.
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