The official statement reads:
"Alison King has indicated to producers that she would like to take a sabbatical from the show for creative reasons at some point in 2016. She wishes to try her hand at other projects before returning to the part of Carla Connor, a role she has enjoyed playing for nine years.
Before Ali takes her break Carla has much more drama to come. At the end of this month she will be central to the explosive storyline which sees Victoria Court go up in flames, and the aftermath of that plotline will have huge consequences for the factory boss. Ali's desire to take a break from the show gives the writers the opportunity to come up with a enthralling exit for the character."
I was enjoying Nick and Carla getting cosy and there still might be time for this to happen before Alison King leaves next year. My guess - and I may well be wrong of course - is that Erica has the baby, then she'll be killed off leaving the baby for Nick to look after and bring up on his own as a single dad - with Carla's help. It just might work.
Also, Carla's exit will leave the top job at Underworld open for someone else to take charge. It could be an interesting time for women's knickers.
Read also about the other characters leaving Coronation Street
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I think that with Carla going for a time, they should really rethink the future of the faktray which is a relic of the 1980s and has become very stale and almost pantomime like. Please lets not have the usual power struggle stories with Sally and Ayla with the rest of them standng around not doing any work. Time it was buldozed and somethin else done with the plot more in keeping with this day and age.
Oh, God forbid! The Street is awash with children already. And it's OK when they are just babies (even though they are frequently forgotten about when it suits the plot, but the real trouble comes when they start talking, and you have endless (poor) child actors, who inevitably have to be recast.
And of course yet again we have the old soap cliché of not only no-one being on the pill, or using other precautions, but just about every woman gets pregnant after a one night stand.
Please no more children for a while.
Oh not another baby on the scene, please!
Wouldn't have thought it would be too difficult to write Carla out, she has disappeared for months at a time in the past without any problems.
Gutted about this. All my favourite characters and actors have left/are leaving now.
Totally agree Frosty about the Faktry having had its day. In reality though, if was demolished the land would undoubtedly have houses built on it. God forbid Yasmeen would get a larger community centre.
Nick and Erica having a baby, if she really is pregnant, is a bit of a disappointment. If any mature woman was going to bring up a child, it should have been Carla. That would have been a great storyline. Carla's character seems to come and go quite frequently without a problem, although I've noticed that we hardly saw her before the latest storyline with Nick.
I agree about the factory. Definitely time it was sold off to another business which might employ all the existing staff. Distribution centres are the thing these days, although the factory site isn't big enough and might have to be developed.
Erica will perish in the fire - she's the sacrificial lamb..each Corrie explosive storyline has one. IMO anyway. Maybe Maddie, hero that she is, tries to save her and dies in the attempt.
She wasn't on for close to 3 months at the beginning of this year with little explanation, so I reckon she'll be away for a year. I'll miss Carla but I'm glad Alison King is out to try something new, she definitely has the talent!
Sarah Platt will run the factory, with her experience from Milan. Gail will be proud all her children own businesses. Nick and his Bistro, David and his salon and Sarah and her factory. Sally will not this all, neither will Eileen.
Phew, glad she's not leaving forever! She deserves a break and a look-around at other things for as long as she wants. She's young enough to come back later and I'll enjoy Carla even more.
I can understand why she wants to take a break. Hope she doesn't stay away too long.
One of the truly enjoyable characters on this show. I hope her break is short but sweet.
Two of the most interesting characters are leaving the show. I hope they both return. So now we have Owen, Andrea, Carla, Lloyd, Julie, Katy....all leaving and we're stuck with the regrettable Sarah and Bethany Platt. This is too much. Come on Corrie let's breathe some life into Coronation St. before it's too late!!! Who will now play the best friend of Steve? Who can replace Julie? I loved Carla...she has grown so much in this role...she will be sorely missed. I'm fed up with all the leavings!!!!
Time for her to move on. A new owner of the factory is well overdue. Her character is stale and never held any interest for me & don't even get me started on her nails down a blackboard voice.
So sad to see Carla and so many other good ones leaving. All we will be left with are boring and dull. What has happened to Coronation Street as we knew it ?
Well if Carla is leaving the show, so am I. She is gorgeous !
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Carla character is so loved in Canada. Hopefully she will be back in a flash. We will miss you Ali :)
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