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Why did no one raise the alarm among the other tenants?
'Why did no one raise the alarm among the other tenants?'
They're all watching ITV...
Apparently, there are twenty luxury apartments so the other eighteen must be vacant.
You saw other tenants exiting the building. I don't understand the criticism? You also saw a list of the tenants' names on the bellboard.
Yes, but the first thing anyone should have done is ring all the bells to alert the other tenants, surely. If not Leanne, who only had Amy on her mind, then one of the other bystanders.
And the scene where Leanne and Kal stood talking to Amy amidst the burning room was just ridiculous - either one of them could have picked her up and sprinted across the room, not stood there having a discussion!
I found the whole thing ridiculous and beyond belief. Why did the fire brigade not turn up yet again? Why are citizens responsible for rescues? How could Leanne break that door down so easily with that heavy fire extinguisher? Took way too long for Carla and Amy to wake up with all that noise going on.
Jenny's going to kill Maddie. I've guessed this because A the actress is leaving and B She and Sophie are looking forward to a new life together which can only ever end one way.
The other tenants were a concern for me as well. I wondered where they were. Just watched the episode again and I did not see any of the other tenants exiting the building. Doesn't Nick live there as well?
I didn't see any other tenants exit the building or outside the building waiting for the fire brigade. I suppose we can assume that Nick may not have been at home when the fire started, but was everyone else out as well?
There were residents passing them on the stairs. - Micky
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