Secrets and Lies award. Faye has a secret. Craig knows her online reputation is shot. Is it true or is it made up?
Cheap at half the price award: Gail only wanted a cornetto in payment for helping to clean up the van, a Herculean task if ever there was one!
Hogwash Award: Any debate that causes Roy to use the term Hogwash will inevitably have me cheering from my sofa!
Mirror award: Yasmeen thinks Kal has walked into a hurricane, being with Leanne. I think that's rather a case of finding a woman that reminds him of his mother. Happens a lot, both ways.

Fashion Wow: Hot Pink. Hot woman!
Lines of the week:
Nick "You want a friend? Get a dog"
Dennis to Norris "Can I get you anything?" Rita "He's fine. He still has some humble pie to finish off"
Michael about the van "It doesn't need a mechanic, it needs a priest!"
Norris "My compliments to the microwave"
Lloyd "Am I dreaming or did Norris Cole just accuse me of gossiping?"
Tracy "Do I look like I was born yesterday?" Maddie "Not even a little bit" (Maddie 1 Tracy 0)
David "That wasn't a holiday, it was an endurance test"
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Two possible reasons for Amy's personality transplant: 1. Normal Corrie development where nice people can't stay nice or 2. Sophie apologising to Tracy causes a fall-out with Maddie, who then leaves to live/study near her brother. (Make up soon and take Sophie with you.) I know SB said Maddie was a 'keeper' but he told Michelle Keegan her character wouldn't be killed off.
I don't find it all that surprising that Amy is starting to imitate her mother. She sees her mother get away with it after all.
Only a cornetto isn't Gail meant to be broke?
Wonder what would happen if she lived with Steve? Dressing like a past date tart? Crossing her arms and sniping? Becoming a nice but spineless kid who takes the fall for everybody?
Good point about the similarities between Yasmin and Leanne although I suspect Yasmin's morals are a lot higher - both have hard lived in faces and are shouty and go off on their own opinions and shout down others. Yasmin is Leanne in 20 odd years I say.
In Deidre's defense,with all that's been going on with Peter,she probably thought it would be easier to tell Ken who has been looking after a sick grandson in person once he returns.Deirdre also didn't think Ken would be gone that long either.I just hope it's not Rita who's the one who tells Ken his son is suspected of murdering her 'daughter' Tina.
Also in Deirdre's defense, she was probably so busy actually enjoying her life and remembering her own personality that it never occurred to her to miss Ken (goodness knows I haven't!!), never mind breaking terrible news about Peter.
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