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Tuesday 25 June 2013

Spoiler: David and Nick in horror Corrie car crash

There's a Coronation Street spoiler in today's Sun that says Nick Tilsley and David Platt will be hospitalised after a major car crash.

Nick will be rushed to intensive care and the paper says... hang on, here we go....: "Viewers will be left wondering whether Nick lives or dies in a series of cliffhanger episodes in August."

Mr Curry Sauce tells The Sun: “The pair of them end up getting into a car together and there is an almighty row.

With tempers frayed, David causes the car to spin out of control and it ends up crashing, leaving both brothers needed emergency treatment. But while they both end up in hospital, it’s Nick who bears the brunt of it. He’s knocked unconscious and remains in a coma in intensive care.”

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John McE said...

And Tina turns to the bottle for comfort. How original. Yawn.

njblas said...

As we haven't heard that Ben Price is leaving the show, there's no 'cliffhanger' about it. He'll make a miraculous recovery like every other patient at Weatherfield general whose contract hasn't run out:)

Lizzieizzard said...

There could be a twist? - nah

Humpty Dumpty said...

There are no cliff hangers in Corrie. If the actor's leaving, we'll know months in advance. Really, really sick of characters being at death's door and, two minutes later, up and about as though nothing's happened. Maybe this time, Nick will be left with a permanent injury and his character will change as a result.

Anonymous said...

Not another bloody car crash.
Did the writers "think" this one up at 9.02am before they clocked off for the day?

Anonymous said...

It's a soap opera get over yourselves change the channel if your going to bitch and moan everytime a storyline happens that you don't give your royal approval about it

Billy Niblick said...

That deja vu feeling again. Car crashes - Connors, Brennan, Hillman, etc etc etc. Life or death cliffhanger? Yeah, that'll be life.

There really must be no original plot developments left.

David said...

Anonymous - "it's a soap opera" so what? The writers/storyliners should be trying to make the best show they can, and rehashing the same old plot devices every couple of months just doesn't cut the mustard. If viewers no longer care about the standard of storytelling, it's no wonder things are so bad.

Anonymous said...

Rushed in on a stretcher, covered in tubes, on life support, clucked around by tearful relatives, surrounded by self important doctors. Near death’s door then suddenly a miraculous recovery, will be in a wheelchair though/never be able to walk again, then up and about in days and back to work. Change the script writers it’s all become more than ludicrous now

Glenda Young said...

I think, as savvy Corrie fans, we all know Nick will make a full recovery and there's no chance he'll die, etc. etc.

But judging by the comments I see on twitter and receive by email for a lot of Corrie fans, especially younger ones who don't 'read' the show the same way as many of us regular, older Coronation Street Blog posters and commenters do, the whole Nick 'will he live or die?' story will indeed have them on the edge of their seats, they will care about it a great deal.

And it's a soap, so there have to be car crashes, explosions, jilted weddings and all manner of overblown drama. That's the life of a soap.

Shan said...

The problem is, after a few years you run out of clever ideas. That's why most shows don't last very long.

It would be nice if Corrie could pull one over on us and have a character leave without us knowing beforehand. Sometimes I miss the days before internet spoilers when we would actually be shocked by tv plots.

Dubcek said...

I didn't know Collinson was back as producer.

Janice. said...

No actor ever looks good in that supine position with his nostrils front and centre.

Joseph said...

Honestly, as a younger fan, I think this is a good storyline. Could be a good way of letting the guilt hit home for David after everything he's done. If the writers play it right, then it doesn't have to be just a 'Will Nick live or die?' storyline.

And yeah I have to admit, I'm a little tired of people calling out the writers on every story idea they have. Corrie's really starting to improve now, and I think the fans should be seen to be supporting the writers instead of 'bitching' about them.

I'm sorry but that's my honest opinion.

Barrie.T said...

I wonder if the car will end up in the canal like The Hillman one

Anonymous said...

Another one for the Corrie ward with the family around wondering if they're going to pull through...agree..YAWN. Who on this show hasn't been in a bed with a tube up their nose?

Phil Collinson said...

Hee hee hee, my evil deeds shall live on.

Emperor Blackburn said...

Nah nah, my Corrie will be worser than yours King Collinson! Pow Pow!

Anonymous said...

David should really stay away from motor vehicles. Honestly.

Anonymous said...

Omg, Please tell me Nick dosen't die Ben Price is my favourite character (mainly the fact he is gorgeous) and I shall not be watching if he dies I haven't heard he is leaving corrie though so hopefully there is a lot more to come of Nick in the future.


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