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Thursday 27 June 2013

Is baby Jake really Tina and Tommy's child?

As one of our readers pointed out by leaving a comment on this blog post here, the baby that Tina has handed over to Izzy and Gary, might not be Izzy and Gary's after all.

Hang on, bear with me, this isn't another discussion about surrogacy. It's about the fact that, as our commenter says: "Doesn't anyone remember that Tina and Tommy slept together the night before the surrogacy procedure was performed? Hmmmm"

Well, I had forgotten it, that's for sure.  So there's every chance that the baby could be Tina and Tommy's and if it is, and Gary's gone and got his name on the birth certificate, it could lead to all manner of carry on for the future.

Cue that famous scene from EastEnders:
"You ain't mah muvver!"
"Yes Iyam!"

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John McE said...

It's an interesting idea... except most of us think it has gone on for far too long already, and the thought of it being extended for yet more months is not something I would look forward to.

Frosty the snowman said...

Oh Plurrrese, I was hoping this saga was coming to a not before time conclusion! Not more angst and shouting on the street and more to-ing and fro-ing with that poor child. Owen as the instigator of this sorry mess wants shooting.

NZ Coro Junkie said...

Noooooo. Enough already

Tvor said...

All I have to go on now are the written updates and though Tina and Tommy were cuddling on the sofa the night before, there's no actual mention of rumpy pumpy. Doesn't mean it didn't happen of course. She'd have been on hormones and they'd have done pregnancy tests before the implant so I still say no it's not Tommy's baby.

whatnext said...

Next thing will be there was some kind of mix up and it's not Gary's either.

Anonymous said...

I know this is soapland, but it is supposed to be 2013, even in Weatherfield. They've been to see lawyers. No mention of DNA tests! Ridiculous!

Unknown said...

Little Jake is a premmie and has had surgery and supposedly all kinds of tests. You would think that one of the tests would be to see if he is a carrier of the same condition that Izzie has. There would have been all kinds of blood work, in the real world there would already been signals if the baby wasn't really Izzy and Gary's. But then again it is not the real world is it...

Anonymous said...

As sad as I am for poor Izzy, I have ALWAYS wanted the baby to be Tommy and Tina's...............x

Shan said...

I've been thinking for a while that the baby will turn out to be Tommy and Tina's. But after watching last night's show with Gary and Tina in the car (whose car was that anyway?) and then the whole thing in the hospital about Izzy not being able to legally be the mother for two months, I was thinking the storyline could go the way of Tina and Gary falling for each other, and since they're both the legal parents, they could keep the baby. (Again, that's probably why I'm not a television writer.)

Anonymous said...

MK is leaving anyway so there'd be no point in this storyline continuing.

Anonymous said...

Unless she leaves with the baby ......

Janice. said...

The baby is doomed. It reminds me of Sarah Platt and Todd Grimshaw's baby. Given the actor was leaving, they killed off the baby to add drama to Todd's departure.

Anonymous said...

Kathy Brett, do you (or anyone else) remember what Izzy's condition is, and is it genetic? If it isn't, there'd be no reason to test for it.

Anonymous said...

I checked online sites to find that Izzy (Cherylee Houston) has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which is a form of genetic mutation. It can be inherited, so they would test the baby for it, since early diagnosis helps in treatment of symptoms.

Anonymous said...

I checked online to find that Izzy (actress Cherylee Houston) has a condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It comes in many forms, some of which are rarer than others. It can be inherited, since it is a genetic mutation. So they would have tested Jake for it, since early diagnosis helps in treatment.

Anonymous said...

I think I remember an episode with Owen kicking off at Tina for sleeping with Tommy right before the procedure, even with a pregnancy test she wouldn't of been far along enough for it to be picked up on, hopefully baby Jake is Tina and Tommy's cause the Windass family and Owen are a bunch of nutters.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Yes and yes! I have always thought that from the night they 'got it on' indeed just before she got pregnant.. it was too obviously weird that it was ignored in my opinion. So, with Tommy being a part of the little lad's life from the start, it makes sense that when it becomes known that it is 'their love child' it will all make sense in soapland.

Cobblestone said...

Considering the first thing they did after Katy's baby, Joseph, was born was test for Izzy's condition, I'm astonished no-one has mentioned testing Jake ... which makes me suspicious. I've always thought it was a little Duckworth.

Kylie O'Reilly said...

Of course Tommy and Tina are the biological parents - it leaves the door open for Miss Keegan to return after her stint in I'm a Celeb so she can film the adverts and legitimately say "That's why Mums go to Iceland".


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