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Sunday 30 June 2013

Where's all the male Corrie totty gone?

News that Doctor Carter - or to give him his full tabloid name, Hunky Doctor Carter - is leaving Coronation Street doesn't come as too much of a surprise today for Coronation Street fans.

But it does leave us lady viewers of a certain age in need of some much needed older man totty to look at on Coronation Street.  

Where's the wonderfully strong, silent, cuddly types like Dennis Stringer gone?

All we've got on the street at the minute are the likes of Peter Barlow to gawp over but a) he's not very tall and b) he's an alcoholic. And there's Faye's dad Tim, who's quite dishy in his own way, but a) he's far too self-absorbed and b) he could turn out to be a fake and c) he's not very tall and d) he's a bit young.

Come on, Corrie. You're doing your lady viewers of a certain age no favours by not giving us a male character to believe in. We want someone who's easy on the eye, someone we wouldn't mind getting into a snug with in the Rovers Return.  Someone we want to share a half of stout and a packet of cheese and onion with before heading out for a chippy tea together and a lifetime of cobbled contentent and a cuddle.

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Carry On Blogging! said...

You mean there is nobody else who floats your boat Flaming Nora?!

Tvor said...

Putting the personalities of the characters aside, I find the actor that plays Owen nice looking and Jason is still mucho eye candy as well. And you know, for a pensioner, Dennis Tanner sure has a twinkle in his eye. That's a nice looking man as well. Also think the actor playing Karl is rugged looking. But then you've got the character personalities which then crosses out Owen and Karl.

Humpty Dumpty said...

A strong, kind-hearted bloke around 40 - 50 is what's needed. There's a gap that was once filled by the likes of Kevin, Martin, even Terry. Some might find Rob appealing but I find him rather weak. At the moment, Peter's got the stage to himself.

sarah said...

Well I think Tony Hirst is hot - even though he's leaving end of this year.

Glenda Young said...

Graeme - not on Corrie, not at all. I agree with Humpty Dumpty, we need a kind-hearted, loving, lovable man in late 40s and older that's not a "charmer" like Lewis, just a decent sort that's good to watch and nice to look at.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that someone finds Owen nice looking . He looks and speaks like his top row are loose and going to fall out ! Plus we've seen his nasty side in the past . Nothing redeeming about him I'm afraid . I bought my car from the actor who was up for the role of Dr Carter - bet he's glad he didn't get it ! Mind you they might still call him in . He was in The Tudors and was fab . I don't fancy anyone on Corrie Altho I have met Chris Gascoigne and he's far more handsome in real life than on screen . Lets hope they are searching for some hunky male as we tweet :)

Anonymous said...

Chris Gascoyne is very sexy but Peter seems to have got sexier since he got together with Carla.

They are a very sexy couple.

Zagg said...

Yikes Tim...dishy? Ugh, he makes my skin crawl. Peter's Ok, but the alcohol thing is annoying. I like him better now I must admit. Owen, meh...not horrible but.... Jason, well of course, no need to say anything further. I think Lloyd is attractive...and Steve, well he's lost the plot. What is with the shaved head? It looks terrible. Yeah, we need some new fellas!!

Diane said...

Peter is yummos! Hottest one on the show. Tommy? Barf. Those scoopneck tees are gross. Owen? Ack! Tim.... uhhhhhh??
Then theres Jason. Am I the only one who finds him bland looking? Tyrone... same as Jason. Paul? Hes cute but his girly emo cryfests would make me punch him. Nick is ok if you dont mind your men with a face like skeletor.
Gary...? No. Well, we always have Norris :-)

Poppy said...

I am in my mid-twenties and I have always thought that Peter is absolutely gorgeous. He seems to get better looking each year. He sure knows how to rock a leather jacket and facial hair. I love redheads and I have quite a thing for Gary, especially when he is in those tight jeans of his! He's pretty cute in real life too. Jason is not bad to look at either and I can see how women could be attracted to Dennis and the actors who play Owen and Karl.

abbyk said...

I wouldn't mind a new slightly older doctor and/or teacher move onto the street or Victoria Court. Could be having a great bromance if they're both guys, or romance if it's one's an educated lady. If one/both of the guys were smart AND hunky, all the better.

There's got to be someone to have a conversation with Ken (or replace him if he doesn't return) as well as bring the expected crowd to the Bistro.

Dennis & Duggy, miss them both.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree that there's no man worth a second look on the Street right now. Dennis Stringer was lovely and is sadly missed. He must have been a lovely bloke, he could tame the shrew that was Janice! These spindly, pretty boys are not the sorta man to catch my attention at all. The only one who even vaguely sparked my interest is Nick and that's because he was being so kind to Kylie... until that accidental pregnancy thing. Oh bother.

Anonymous said...

Your comment regarding the actor who was up for the role of Dr Carver but didn't get it but was in The Tudors has intrigued me. Can you tell me who it was? I watch Corrie from western New York (thru the CBC) and love all things English.

Anonymous said...

It seems that whenever an older, sophisticated man shows up, he inevitably, eventually, turns out to be a villain. What does this say about British men?

Anonymous said...

It seems that whenever an older, sophisticated man shows up, he eventually, inevitably turns out to be a villain. Just sayin'!

Anonymous said...

I agree there is no one fit on the show (although Karl is kinda sexy). Speaking of the Tudors, I think they should ask Jonathan Rhys Meyers to guest as an arch seductor. He would have to set his sights on Carla, leaving Peter free to go on the prowl. Wouldn't that be fun?

Cobblestone said...

Nick Tilsley was burned at the stake in The Tudors. Just sayin' ;)

Anonymous said...

I think David Neilson is quirkily cute. Both the character and the actor. Just a small crush.

ChiaGwen said...

Could Dennis Stringer's identical twin brother not happen to move to Coronation St.? Lovely man - they should have killed off Les not Dennis at the time. Duggie! I forgot about him. Two dishy specimens!

Anonymous said...

Sorry just seen this . Ill have to ask him if its ok to say - sorry . Ill get back to you

Anonymous said...

Thx I appreciate your help. If you can't get an OK it's OK!


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