Such a brilliant line from Owen on arriving early to change the locks on Audrey's salon! On entry, his remark, 'Blimey it's John and Yoko' addressed to the barely awake David and Kylie, was sheer genius and delivered so well. And that wasn't all. When Audrey suggests that it might have been a good idea for Owen to consult her before changing the locks, once again his quick-wittedness comes to the fore with the question, 'Why love, you a locksmith?' The use of 'love' bothers some people, they feel it's condescending or patronising. Obviously, it depends on the context and the participants. Usually, it does not bother most of us at all if people call us love. That said, viewers will no doubt be shocked by Kylie repeatedly calling Audrey, her grandmother-in -law, love. It is wholly inappropriate and Kylie knows it, which is exactly why she's using it. It can be a huge put-down and a direct ploy to belittle and undermine.
Kylie is proving herself, more and more, to be a force to be reckoned with. We mustn't forget that she sold her son to her sister, Becky. Norris' comment that she's 'practically feral' was interesting. Much of what Norris says must be taken with a pinch of salt, but perhaps he has a point here. The way Kylie's character is developing is fascinating. She is ferocious and makes David look practically angelic! Her remark concerning Audrey and Lewis as Camilla and Charles was amusing but there's a spitefulness underlying her comments. 'Posh boy' as a nickname for Lewis again is more lightly amusing and that is partly because as yet, we viewers are not sure whether we trust Lewis. Time will tell...
The humour was top notch on Friday's first episode. Audrey, when called gran by David, quickly retorts, 'as was' as she steps out of Mary's motor home. As for Mary, her description of one of her apples taking on a new guise as a kiwi fruit and then adding that the hair was orange, was an example of the brilliance of the script, once again. To call anyone's hair orange is unkind but when fuelled by jealousy and aimed at the ultra glamorous Rita, it smacks of a vicious insult. Though Mary and Kylie are very different types of women, they both have alarmingly vitriolic streaks.
As for Mary's uninhibited singing and dancing in The Kabin, when she thought she was alone well, where are you, Simon Cowell?
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Kylie is proving herself, more and more, to be a force to be reckoned with. We mustn't forget that she sold her son to her sister, Becky. Norris' comment that she's 'practically feral' was interesting. Much of what Norris says must be taken with a pinch of salt, but perhaps he has a point here. The way Kylie's character is developing is fascinating. She is ferocious and makes David look practically angelic! Her remark concerning Audrey and Lewis as Camilla and Charles was amusing but there's a spitefulness underlying her comments. 'Posh boy' as a nickname for Lewis again is more lightly amusing and that is partly because as yet, we viewers are not sure whether we trust Lewis. Time will tell...
The humour was top notch on Friday's first episode. Audrey, when called gran by David, quickly retorts, 'as was' as she steps out of Mary's motor home. As for Mary, her description of one of her apples taking on a new guise as a kiwi fruit and then adding that the hair was orange, was an example of the brilliance of the script, once again. To call anyone's hair orange is unkind but when fuelled by jealousy and aimed at the ultra glamorous Rita, it smacks of a vicious insult. Though Mary and Kylie are very different types of women, they both have alarmingly vitriolic streaks.
As for Mary's uninhibited singing and dancing in The Kabin, when she thought she was alone well, where are you, Simon Cowell?
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We all know where this is going. Gran is going to have a heart attack and David will blame all the misery he's caused her right at Kylies feet. I think they're brilliant together and this storyline is well worth watching as it plays out. In the end, Kylie will swan off to Barbados with Max and David will be looking for sympathy.Who will come to his rescue? Audrey. Awwww
Just prior to Becky's departure, we saw Kylie become quite a decent human being. What the hell happened?? Writers change their mind and turned her back into a conniving bitch? Why? Not enough bitches on the street?? Ugh.
~JB in Canada
Chris Fewtrell wrote Friday's first episode. I took note because his episodes have been a cut above the others before. The teasing of Tommy about his VW van was also witty, as was Tommy handing Lewis a receipt for Nuts magazine as a bribe. I wish there was more comment, discussion and appreciation of the good writing and everyday situations rather than dire storylines.
^^ I don't mean comment and discussion on this blog, I mean in general.
No you had it right the first time
I also thought the writing very good on Friday. Why is Kylie a bitch? She is standing up for her husband against a silly old woman that changed her mind over the salon and let him down all over a bloke that had already scammed her and others in the street - PLUURESE!!
Kylie still has one person's interests at heart - hers, hence the harsh attack on Audrey while David is still easily manipulated to go against his Gran - but I don't think his whole heart is in it. Very funny lines regarding Ozzie and Kirk!
Yes, deffo some great writing/lines in these episodes! May I also say that your blog post, Ruth Owen Varley was also a gem as far as writing is concerned!
I think Kylie was nice to Becky before she left for Barbados because she was protecting Becks. Kylie likes a good confrontation, and seeing Tracy knocked down a few pegs helped. Don't think she's suddenly got nasty, as that trait never really went away.
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