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Saturday 21 April 2012

Coronation Street review, Monday to Friday, April 14 to 20

I've had to catch up with over  a week's worth of Coronation Street as I was away on holiday  so  this review cover several episodes rather than the usual one or two.

The  predominant theme this week was the return of  old faces  - in particular a tribute to one of the oldest and best loved faces of them all, as  Coronation Street paid an emotional farewell toveteran Rovers' barmaid Betty Turpin. But also, you sensed, this  was just as much a tribute to  her alter ego, much loved nonagenarian actress Betty Driver,who died recently.
Betty's London-based son Gordon Clegg, played by the creator of the role, impresario and Everton chairman  Bill Kenwright, (last time Gordon was played by another actor and  it just wasn't the same) came back  to break the sad news of Betty's death. It was more than the character had done for Betty when she was still alive as he never  graced the cobbles to see his mother for years on end.
 There followed warm hearted tributes  to Betty and sometimes humorous reminiscences all round (getting new character Stella in on the tributes seem a tad forced) as residents and old friends bade goodbye at a suitably heartfelt funeral and wake to the Street's no nonsense, hot pot cooking answer to the Queen Mother
Kenwright, who was close to Betty Driver in real life, looked genuinely upset at her passing and fitted in easily  with the  regular cast as he swapped Betty stories with the likes of her old chum Rita Sullivan - Barbara Knox  on top form. Fussy Norris however was more concerned  that Betty hadn't  paid her paper bill!  However in the end Betties  Driver and Turpin both got a good send off. I found the storyline twist  that Annie Walker had  apparently secretly left Betty the Rovers years ago however very contrived  -  and no doubt all will be swiftly resolved, especially as Kenwright is only guest appearing in the Street.
Otherwise the other old face to return was  villain Terry Duckworth - bigger (certainly round the waist, now we know who ate all the hot pots) and badder than ever as he returned in newfound businessman mode but  ended up in a fight with  the  long lost son he, ahem, sold, Tommy Duckworth.
Nigel Pivaro's trademark lip curling and evil smile were in fine form  - if he had a moustache, he'd be twirling it. When  he learnt Tommy had got an inheritance, he decided to burn bridges, worming his way back into his son's affections and brandishing a baby picture of Tommy he claimed he'd cherished al these years. Nice but dim Tommy then clashed with Tyrone - who knows Terry's evil ways of old  - and appeared  to be softening towards his renegade father.  Don't do it, Tommy! Pivaro isn''t the greatest actor and tends to declaim his lines but he and the scriptwriters wisely appear  to be aiming Terry's evil ways  just this side of comedy, which should work  ( loved him referring to Roy as "rain man".)   Like Kenwright, it was  good to see him back.
Keen as mustard Sally's new found vocation as junior businesswoman annoyed Carla as her  new business partner's interfering ways nearly ruined a meeting with Carla's client that she gatecrashed. Meanwhile  Sunita may be fending off Kart's attentions verbally but her low cut and skin tight vampette outfits while she's at work in his presence speak  otherwise, prompting Karl to drool how 'sexy" he finds her. A rematch of the bedroom kind seems inevitable. 

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Dolly Tubb said...

I agree that Nigel Pivaro isn't the greatest actor and he does seem a bit like the local AmDram's Christmas Panto Evil Uncle at times, but I think he is being written in very well. His character reminds me a bit of Tracy but in a better way!

Sally was fantastic the way she tried to muscle in on Carla's business meeting! There is the makings of a great partnership with that duo!

And the tribute to Betty was quite teary. I though that Barbara Knox, Eileen Derbyshire and Anne Kirkbride looked genuinely upset. It was a very dignified tribute.

Anonymous said...

Rita getting plastered at Betty's memorial..fitting. Lewis is so cool isn't he? The lads having a cigar out back of the pub.
Well done I must say except..why was Stella in every scene? She barely knew Betty. Sunita, who knew the woman stayed behind getting things ready while Stella went to the funeral..what's with that? Tracy showing her true selfish colours again..good. Stella was the start, middle and end of this episode. Do the rest of the cast not thing this smacks of favouritism?

Tvor said...

Kind of difficult not to have St. Ella in the scenes since most of the two episodes took place in the pub. Where else would she be? You can say she barely knew Betty but she's been managing/owning the pub for the better part of a year. We know the actress has been ill and then passed on so she's not been on screen. We've had to assume Betty has been there all along so yes, Stella would have got to know her.

Terry is wonderfully fun to watch! Horrible man but it's great watching him manipulate.

Frosty the Snowman said...

I am enjoying R'Terry. He is so horrible that he is comical. A real panto villan and considering he isnt an actor any longer but a journalist he isnt bad at all. A hundred times better than the appalling Kate Ford for example, why is she always looking so skanky and scruffy lately may Frosty ask? Tommy is so dim, he makes Tyrone look like the winner of Mastermind.

ChiaGwen said...

Yes, Tracy could use a good scrubbing, especially her hair!


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