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Sunday 2 September 2018

The Week In Classic Corrie

MONDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 9th and 12th March 1990

Tina recovered from her jilting in the best possible way.  She chucked her engagement ring at Eddie on a building site then shared her cake out with the neighbours in the pub.  She was a lot cheerier on her own than the supposedly happily married Mr and Mrs Brennan.  Ivy had asked Mike Baldwin for a job, which caused Don to hit the roof because he can't let anything go.  He picked up Peter Ingram in his cab and in the process discovered Mike was only a sales rep now, so he shouted about it in the Rovers and embarrassed his wife all over again.  Phyllis won a trip to Holland and invited Percy, because who wouldn't want to be in Amsterdam's notorious red light district with a man who considers a pint of lager dangerously decadent?  He ended up slipping one of her wayward apples and breaking his ankle.  I'm sure that'll make him a lot cheerier.  It was all go in the heady world of local politics as Deirdre Barlow went to glamorous Harrogate for a conference.  She arranged for Emily to stop at number one to look after Tracy, rather than let her dad anywhere near her, but Ken realised this was a chance for him to sneak a couple of days with her.  "The more I see of it the more I'm convinced parents are not fit to bring up children," said Wendy Crozier about Deirdre.  She said this to KEN BARLOW, probably the worst father in Western Europe, but as is often the way with Ken, he didn't think the criticism applied to him. 

TUESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 14th and 16th March 1990

In news that won't surprise anyone who's watched Coronation Street in the last twenty years, Tracy Barlow was being a stroppy mare.  She refused to stay with Emily and took herself off to Wendy Crozier's House of Sin.  Deirdre barrelled back from Harrogate to rescue her but was sent away with a flea in her ear.  The Barneses were causing havoc with the Websters.  Des had a tip and got Kevin to put a bet on for him at a rival bookies, coming away with more than two grand in winnings.  Steph meanwhile was doing a bit of feminist consciousness raising and encouraged Sally to get her own bank account.  She shouldn't depend on Kevin - "What if he runs off with another woman?" Steph asked, presciently.  Percy returned from the hospital in a wheelchair and immediately started making unreasonable demands of Emily Bishop because he's a horrible little man.

WEDNESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 19th and 21st March 1990

Des and Steph continued to wind up the Websters, with Des challenging his wife to get Kevin flustered.  She immediately started flirting with him, breathing heavily about two centimetres from his face and groping his thigh in the pub.  Poor old Kev turned bright red and tried to hide from her.  (Incidentally the garage is suddenly a location shoot, instead of a set, for some reason).  An invalided Percy Sugden was whining about being waited on hand and foot by Emily and Phyllis, because he is the sourest human being in the Western hemisphere.  Ken Barlow was unhappy at the Recorder as a small cog in a big machine after years of running the shop.  He rowed with Jeff the editor and ended up backing himself into resigning.  Tracy Barlow meanwhile was complaining about her parents' separation to Steve McDonald: "when I get married, I'm stopping married."  Across Britain, every ITV4 viewer snorted into their tea.

THURSDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 23rd and 26th March 1990

Martin & Gail and Kevin & Sally had a raucous night of drinking with Steph & Des and an unpleasant thought popped into my head.  Rosie's born on Christmas Eve and David is born on Christmas Day 1990; they were probably both conceived after this particular drinking session.  That'll put you off your barmcake.  Percy was clattering around the Street yelling  about poor wheelchair provision.  You know how sometimes a really awful politician accidentally makes a valid point, and you hate yourself for agreeing?  Percy berating Rita for her poor disabled access comes under that same category.  Alec finally barred Sugden from the pub after he got sick of being smashed in the shins and bellowed at.  He regretted it come Monday morning, and got Jack to take him out.  Jack took advantage of an afternoon out of the pub and went to the bookies, leaving Percy sat on the pavement outside.  Ken went to the owner of the Recorder to try and get his job back, only to be told that the Editor was king and his word was God.  Perhaps he shouldn't have accosted him in the gents' toilets.  He ended up looking in the window of the Job Centre and despising himself for being unemployed.   

FRIDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 28th and 30th March 1990

It was all change in the Street as Derek and Mavis moved into number 4.  They were predictably twittery about it, with Mavis in particular running around in a fetching headscarf like she was in an amdram production of Fiddler on the Roof.  The move was less pleasant for Harriet the budgie who promptly dropped dead.  Rita complained to Gail that she was feeling left behind and couldn't wait to move to the all-new Kabin.  Gail said she was perfectly settled where she was and didn't see any need to leave.  That feeling will last about a year.  Number 6 was far more exciting as Steph and Des held their housewarming party.  The party was a mere subterfuge so that Steph could desecrate a national monument as part of her wager with Des.  She used her feminine wiles to drag a drunk Kevin upstairs... and then shaved off his moustache!  Sally was rightly outraged, but not as much as Des, who'd lost the bet and had to go into the Rovers with no trousers on.

The sight of Kevin Webster without his 'tache made @merseytart come over all unnecessary.   

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