Welcome to Wednesday's edition of the Coronation Street Blog and the first of tonight's two episode reviews...
As her trial looms, the last thing Sally needs is a solicitor she cant trust. Finding the list of Duncan's witnesses, plus busting his Battersby fling, may well have given her a false confidence.
Drama however, is never far away on Coronation Street.
The coupling of Paula and her daughter Sophie, couldn't have come at a worse time for Mrs Metcalfe
Angry at Paula's betrayal, Sally threatens a witness on the list, and decides to defend herself in Court. Will Sally save herself, or end up in jail?
Over at Barlow's Solicitors, salacious legal eagles continue to court controversy, as Leanne returns to work, and Imran immediately fires her. No pros or cons to that job then!.
Following the pub quiz, Ken is still rattled by Evelyn's behaviour, it seems his intellectual ego has taken a bashing. Its a case of serendipity and P.G Wodehouse. Corrie is quite educational at times!.
In other news- Yasmeen wants to start a gardening competition at the community garden, and Tyler's Mum starts work at Underworld.
Anyway, that's me for another week.
I hope you've enjoyed my mid-week paean to the drama of Coronation Street.
I'm @rybazoxo your self-styled 'Cobbles Connoisseur' .

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