We start tonight with the delightful sight of Toyah wandering down Coronation Street in her pyjamas. No, she hasn’t taken her boho look to a whole new level, she’s just managed to lock herself out of hers and Leanne’s mystery new home. After some light ribbing from Simon and Imran (but we all know where that’s going to lead), Peter offers her a bag of Tracey’s old clothes which were destined for the charity shop. While she’s changing he finds time to whip her up a vegan lunchbox and enclose a good luck note. My, my Mr Barlow when did you become a grown-up?
Dev, Tim, Kirk and a reluctant Eileen are planning Steve’s stag. Stag do’s have changed quite considerably in the 21st century, nowadays it’s all kayaking in Iceland or exploring the cultural delights of Andalusia. Clearly none of this enlightenment has reached Weatherfield as the stags have gone for the full on 1970’s experience which means handcuffing Steve to the bar, daft t-shirts and men in bras. As yet no dwarfs are involved but the night is still young.
Over at number 9 Tyrone is still struggling to deal with the discovery of his ‘abduction’ by Jackie. How did it affect his real mother, he wonders? Is she still looking for him? Fizz suggests they turn to Roy for help in tracking her down and Roy does indeed have a plan – looking through 35-year-old newspapers for any report of a stolen child. Before long Brian in is recruited too (despite being mildly disappointed that it’s not an alien abduction). With Cropper and Packham on the case how can they fail!
Meanwhile Bethany spots Billy giving homeless Frank some money and immediately jumps to the conclusion that he’s using drugs again. Clearly having nothing else better to do, she decides to turn detective and follow him. Good try Miss Platt but you’re no Cropper and Packham. She of course finds the vicar at the hospital giving Josh a bible reading and bursts in accusing Billy of betraying David.
Back at the Rovers Steve is still handcuffed to the bar, waiting for Peter to bring the key when who should walk in but Jim McDonald – back from the Big House.
He greets them with a familiar: ‘What about you Steven. Elizabeth’. And then we’re left to catch ourselves on until 8.30…
By Kelly on twitter: https://twitter.com/MsKelstar

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1 comment:
Absolutely detest Josh, I wish he had died instead of being blind. And I wish Billy would just leave it alone!
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