This character has only been on our screens since Wednesday but isn’t she amazing? Evelyn embodies every little bit of the strong battle-axe character type of which Coronation Street was created. Who else gets strong Ena Sharples vibes?
I just cannot express how much I’m loving Evelyn already. The street has had a gap for this sort of character for some time now and Tyrone’s Nan has filled it with ease. She even has Cerberus, the adorable greyhound which follows her everywhere.
After suffering from an angina after battling with Dev in the shop, you’d expect her to go to hospital, yeah? Nah, Evelyn gets Dev to pour her a strong drink and then remains cool when Dev discovers half his shop’s contents in her handbag. Not condoning shoplifting at all (don’t come after me) but I love this woman.
Before I go, I need to talk about how incredible Maureen Lipman is. I honestly could not think of anyone better to play Evelyn and I can’t wait to delve deeper into this character.
Who’s your star of the week this week?
Sophie Williams
Read some more of my general natterings on Twitter @sophie_jw26

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Maureen Lipman, definitely a star. Nan not so much. Well, not yet. Let's hope ML can kick some sense into the directors and tone her down so we see the tragedy in her life.
Sorry Sophie, I couldn't disagree more. The characterisation and acting is way over the top. As for the pretend angina attack in the shop it was pathetic.
Me too - respect the diverse opinions, but not enjoying this new character. Not even in a love to hate way. :-D Maybe she'll settle in... I can't imagine Tyrone and Fiz moving a complete stranger in. Fiz couldn't even handle Sean, who was an ideal roommate, living with her. lol!
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