How has Steve been feeling in the build up to the wedding?
You know what Steve is like! Anything for a quiet life, he has got swept along with it all and he never really thinks much further ahead than that evening’s tea! He doesn’t think much about consequences, he lives in the moment as long as it is not causing him any hassle. He is happy it has scaled down a bit but he is just going along with everything Tracy says.
Does he care about Tracy?
He does have feelings for Tracy, Steve isn’t very good at being on his own and he always seems to gravitate towards very strong opinionated women. I think he finds them sexy and whilst they are doing all the thinking he doesn’t really need to! Him and Tracy go way back and there is genuine affection there, but that doesn’t stop it being a volatile relationship.
Do you think they make a good team?
When they are pulling together they are very strong, with all the stuff about his dad returning he and Tracy were the ones who were not believing it was true and they joined forces. They nearly exposed Hannah but were outwitted. They also really fancy each other so I think that is what is at the rot of it. I also think it is good that is trying to have a relationship with one of the mothers of his children!
Is he surprised when she offers his a free pass?
Surprised - he is absolutely gobsmacked. Because he has been disappearing a bit to the secret dance lessons Tracy is worried he is going off her so she is really spoiling him trying to prove she carse for him, she even runs him a bath and gives him a massage. Steve is enjoying it but a bit wary of what is going on but then he finds a note giving him a free pass and his mind is blown.
How has he managed to misunderstand when what she actually means the free pass for the spa where they are having the wedding?
She has written the note about the free pass on the back of the actual free pass for the spa but he doesn’t turn it over and then when she asks him if he is going to take her up on it he genuinely thinks she means he can sleep with someone before the wedding!
Why does Steve always make such stupid mistakes?
He does doesn’t he! He just goes through life cocking things up and he never learns. Even Tim says to him it might be a trap, it isn't actually that it is a genuine misunderstanding but Steve hasn’t thought it through. If he did he would realise that there is no way Tracy would allow him anywhere near another woman.
Who has he got his eye on?
He has been spending a lot of time with Abi and they have been getting on well and they have a dance class so he thinks this could be his opportunity!
Has he started to wonder if he is doing the right thing marrying Tracy?
This whole thing with the free pass has made him doubt if he is ready to settle down with Tracy. He loves women they are his downfall and whilst he is talking about how he feels about Tracy to another woman one thing leads to another!
He’s caught out once more isn’t he? What happens?
It’s the worst possible person who discovers him up to no good - Peter who is Tracy’s brother! He is desperate for Peter to keep quiet and he wants to get to the wedding day without Tracy finding out. It is going to be a stressful time for Steve again.
What do you think would happen if Tracy found out?
It doesn’t bear thinking about!
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