The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and nasty Josh returns to the Street when finds him on his doorstep. Josh explains that he’s been discharged from hospital and has nowhere else to go.
Unsuspecting Sean welcomes Josh to the flat and even suggests he could be a good catch for Emma. Uncomfortable Billy points out that he is probably not boyfriend material.
Alya discovers from Sean that Josh is at Billy’s flat and goes round to confront him. When Billy realises Alya has found out he knows he has to tell David before she does. Billy tries to explain to David how he felt responsible for what happened to Josh but David’s having none of it. Billy knows he has to tell Josh to leave.

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Sick to death of Josh and his storylines...and Billy being as weak as p*ss around him. I wish they would write them both out.
This comeuppance Kate Oates promised for Josh would have been too extreme without a follow-up story. Death by some random gang member OK, but not blindness. What is this story about now? Billy's torment, Josh's redemption? Frankly don't care whatever it is. I didn't take to Josh; he took centre-stage too quickly. Billy has become extremely boring with a perpetual need to save people and getting it wrong. Would be nice to see the cheery side of his job, perhaps taking a bag of shopping to a house-bound parishioner. I suppose we will have to endure weeks of Billy searching for a rehab centre for Josh who may, by then, have secretly regained his vision. I hope not because it will mean Josh wins again and David gains nothing.
Why on earth is Josh still in the show? I used to be very fond of Billy not so much now. To be perfectly honest I would not miss him and Summer one bit if they left.
I know not everyone will agree, but even if Josh is a rapist, it would be no picnic to be blind. To me, this is not an appropriate outcome from the rape story, it is just pathetic and sad. While Josh is a monster for what he did to many men, I actually feel sorry for him being blind. It would be better if he acknowledged what he did and make amends to his victims. Not be blind.
Billy knows Josh is bad and not just a rapist but a wholly bad person, why would he bring him into contact with Summer. I say get rid of all three of them.
I was thinking the same thing - at what point will Billy finally put Summer first? Ahead of other people, ahead of his own selfish "needs"? Not to mention how disgusting it is to enable David's rapist to live on the same street as his victim.
I'm so sick of Billy. I just want the character to leave.
i believe now that Summer should have stayed with her grandmother who does put her first rather than Billy.
Despite his blindness,I don't feel sorry for Josh and I don't like how a male rapist is portrayed as a victim' and getting away with his crimes.
I think that Josh is biding his time to get his revenge on David and his family[he approached Max once telling him David doesn't love him]and if that happens,Billy will have a lot to answer for and possibly should leave[Eileen better not defend him either,].
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