Welcome to Wednesday's edition of the Coronation Street Blog and the first of tonights two episode reviews...
Is Tyrone a 'plumber' and not a mechanic?
The discovery of a family name and a birth in a library, leads Roy, Fiz, and Brian to come to a startling conclusion in their amateur ancestry investigation.
Have the trio found Ty's real maternal grandmother?.
Has Liz seen a ghost?.
Jim's baby bombshell has blasted the barmaid back to the past. A mix-up at the hospital, or something sinister?. A meeting at the Bistro proves emotional for Liz, but Eileen ponders an interesting question;
'Does lightning really strike twice on the same street?...
Back on the cobbles, David can't be bothered to school Max with geography homework, as the online football tournament is reaching its climax!. As Gail's living room is prepared for the 'Corrie cup final' Mary is well into the spirit (as always) soon chanting 'Alahan United' in the middle of the street...
Ryan meanwhile is looking for a book on 'Gazza' to score a password and a crypto fortune!, whilst Imran has slotted two 'goals', it appears Adam still hasn't realised it may actually result in an offside.
Or is that Jim & Hannah?...
Anyway, that's me for another week.
I hope you've enjoyed my mid-week paean to part one of tonights Coronation Street drama!
I'm @rybazoxo your self-styled 'Cobbles Connoisseur'.

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I wonder if the scene with Jim and Hannah in the car where it is revealed that they are trying to scam Liz was added at the last minute. After seeing the public's reaction to the latest baby-swap storyline I wonder if the powers that decided that the reveal would happen sooner rather than later.
I totally zoned out during the football video game thing and have no idea what that was all about. Why are people so gullible on the street? Oh some random newspaper articles that could be anyone? That has to be my mom! My awful ex-husband who likely has a bitter vendetta? I believe everything you say! I invested in crypto-currency let's go in a bender to celebrate before even checking to see if it's worth anything. Bleh. Oh and in the days of Me-Too, don't even get me started on his Imran, Leanne, Toyah thing. Tacky.
Don't worry, these eрisodes are still the old рroducer's - let's hoрe for something better in future! :)
Then there's been the con of Richard Hillmans's ghost, Neil daughter conning Bethany and Craig, of course Sally being stitched up. For a high crime street there are a lot of saps on this street.
Great short and pithy write-up Ryan Oxley! Perfect for one of the most daft episodes I've seen in a long time. Imagine, two families finding unknown, dead or lost relatives all in one head-spinning episode!
Christine K, you summed it all up with just the right amount of annoyance, the same I feel. Ryan seems to be biding his time on the Street until panto season begins. "Whip-coin. Drink!"
Oh, and Jim and what's her name kissing - Bleurgh! (Didn't I just use that word the last time I commented here?)
Girlfriend?! Jim must be 30-40 years older than Hannah!
Not a fan of Jim. But I know there are some here. And the show has written him into a corner. There's no redemption or coming back for such a cruel con game. I guess I won't have to look at Jim much longer and can't see how they can ever bring him back after this one. Bye Jim!
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