The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and Liz is caught in between Jim and Johnny as she attempts to raise enough money to pay Hannah.
Hannah tells Liz that the hospital are denying any wrongdoing and it will take too long to go through the courts to get the money. Liz researches the treatment, finds out it will cost £25K and she offers Hannah her life savings.
Meanwhile Jim is suspicious of Liz’s past relationship with Johnny and when Steve lets slip that Liz and Johnny had a one night stand a jealous Jim sees a chance to get more money as Liz can’t raise it all.
Johnny is keen to find out who is blackmailing him and confronts Liz about whether she has told Jim about their one night stand. Johnny confides in Carla about Liz and the blackmail.

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As a Canadian viewer I am so not looking forward to this ridiculous storyline. The sooner Jim leaves the better. I have never been a fan of Jim, and his bully boy ways. I like Liz and hate seeing her being taken advantage of.
This is why I really don't understand why people were excited to see him back. Totally nasty piece of work who'll never change. No redeeming qualities whatsoever
Similar to Pat Phelan. Jim is saved by the actor, who has great charisma on the screen and equally great rapport with his screen family. Some villains don't get saved by the people who play them and it would be churlish to mention them. Reading his interviews, sounds like Charlie Lawson isn't too thrilled with a storyline which had to be rewritten because of his other acting commitments. He may well have been hoodwinked himself in the original storyline.
Sorry Humpty. Jim really isn't charismatic in the slightest. He's as charismatic as a brick. Nothing like Pat Phelan. I really hope they don't drag this storyline on too long and his exit is swift once and for all
I disagree with Anon16:48. Although I'm not looking forward to this particular storyline, I enjoy Jim's visits and think he has way more charisma than Pat Phelan ever did, for me anyway. I stopped caring about Pat's story after the torturing and murder of Andy. Don't think I'd ever want to stop watching Jim. He's a bad penny that keeps turning up, but it's fun to watch.
Sorry Laura. I agree with Anon 16.48. he's definitely a bad penny alright. He's a one truck pony. He brings nothing positive to the street. And his sayings, so it is, the big house, etc make me cringe when he says then. Jim's stuck in the 90's, and his character hasn't moved on. Time to go and never come back.
Jeanie (anon):
Agree with anon. 3:58-Jim and his catchphrases are an overdone caricature straight from the 90's.
The whole story line is preposterous--why would they bring in so many people (a fake lawyer, even!) for such an elaborate scam when all they're doing is fleecing Liz of her few pennies? There's not even a question of getting a large payout from the hospital (which might make sense of the effort) since they know the DNA test is faked and wouldn't stand up to more careful scrutiny. And why would a young woman of Hannah's age be invested enough in jailbird Jim to help him in his revenge on Liz? And why would Jim himself do something so cruel to Liz--surely the tragedy of their loss is one of the few things they still share? Jim's not a great guy but enacting such a cruel charade for a few bucks seems completely out of character. This story arc is tedious and poorly thought out--I cringe every time I see panto Hannah lurking in the ginnel and nearly lost my dinner when I saw her pounce on Jim with a frantically passionate kiss!
I admit - I don't find Jim particularly charismatic or well-played, but each to their own. We can't all like the same people! :-) I am surprised that the writers have written the character of Jim into such a villainous corner, perpetuating fraud on his own family like this. I don't see the point of this story. No chance at redemption for Jim.
I've always like Jim, so I have. When he was first on the show they were a great Corrie family.It was Liz and her whoring ways that caused all of the bother...that and her obsession to buy the pub (which is how Big Jim landed in the big house)..Yeah, he's an old fossil who also slept with his son's girlfriend, robbed a bank at gunpoint, and killed the geezer who almost killed steve (which started his demise after Liz sleeping with his best mate and killing the dream. Hang on Jimbo and meet the grankids, there's a pint in it fer ye, so there is..
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