We open with the con in full swing as an emotional Liz presents Hannah/Fake Katie with a necklace, whilst Jim is at the actual Katie’s grave asking for forgiveness for what he’s doing to her memory. Jim’s habit of calling people by their full forenames even extends to him addressing his deceased daughter as ‘Katherine’. How does Jim introduce himself I wonder? I really hope it’s as Big James C McDonald in a Treasure of the Sierra Madre fashion. Liz arrives at the graveside too and misinterprets Jim’s guilt. ‘We’re allowed to cry for the daughter we buried’ she says as Jim hangs his head in shame.
Leanne admits to Toyah that she’s seeing someone from work but implies that it’s Adam. Then back at the office she tells Imran she wants a strictly ‘no strings attached’ relationship before delving into her favourite solicitor’s briefs. Is anyone else worried about the hygiene situation in that office? I think they might need to get Gail in there to give all their surfaces a good going over with her Mr Muscle.
Meanwhile at number 9 Tyrone is being ghosted by Evelyn who is ignoring his phone calls. But then in an extraordinary-and in no way moving the plot along-coincidence a housing officer calls round and reveals Evelyn is being evicted and has nowhere to stay. Tyrone is all for offering his new Nan a place to stay but Evelyn’s not convinced. I can’t say I blame her since the offer seems to involve her and her gigantic hound camping out in the front room. That wallpaper alone is enough to give most people nightmares.
Liz breaks the news to Steve that his sister is still alive which he understandably finds rather difficult to deal with.
‘How is that even possible?’ says Tracy, who wastes no time in undertaking some excellent online detective work and finding out that Hannah has a different surname on social media.
For the second time in two weeks Ms Barlow has emerged as the sensible voice of reason. Though I rather like it, I can’t help wondering what other characters are going to suddenly change direction. Next thing you know Maria will announce she’s taking a PhD in molecular biology and Carla will wear an outfit that isn’t entirely black.
Armed with their evidence Tracy and Steve summon Liz and Jim. How will James C McDonald talk his way out of this one?
By Kelly @mskelstar

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