Changed your Tune award: Liz is seeing a less-Ice-Queen side of Moira.
Missing in Action award: Adam asked Todd to make the tea for a client. Where's Rosie?
Selfish award: Sean sure wasted no time swooping in on the medical centre receptionist job, not letting any of the other recently unemployed factory "friends" about it, you know, the ones that don't have a second job to fall back on?
Volatile combination award: Vulnerable woman, wine, petulant car crash of a man.
Lines of the week:
Michelle 'I didn't know you could fight like that" Steve "only when it's something worth fighting for" (oh please don't get back together!)
Steve "Yesterday, I saved my last ex-wife from a psychopath"
Anna "Famous last words" Gary "I know what I'm doing" (Phrase of Doom, anyone?)
Todd to Adam "You need to work on your poker face"
Liz "You nail a lid on top of your feelings, you slap a smile on your face and you get on with it!"
Gary "I'm a car crash in human form" (I'd go along with that)
Sarah "Were you with someone else last night?" Gary "No" (no, it was about 45 minutes ago, actually)

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The award for choosing employees with zero experience goes to the medical centre, Moira presumably.
I agree with all the awards except Sean's. It isn't selfish to be aware of your strengths.
Aside from perhaps Sally, who is busy running for mayor, or Alia who is too educated for the job, I don't think any of the factory workers would belong as receptionists anywhere. Even an underwear factory didn't offer them that position. Sean can be very serious and reliable and he did once work in a hospital so he'd understand how to respect confidentiality and not panic at the sight of blood.
Why Mel wasn't jailed along with Nathan is a mystery. She may have once been his victim but for as long as we've seen her,she was his accomplice.Wasn't Mel the one who spiked Bethany's drink the first time she spent the night with Nathan? She shouldn't have as long a sentence as Nathan but she certainly deserves to have a criminal record.
If anyone deserves the selfish award it's Eva not Sean for her lack of remorse for the factory workers losing their jobs some of whom are mothers with a family to support.Lying to them acting innocent and even having the gall to portray herself as the 'victim' when she too has a job to fall back on thanks to her cohort Toyah while they are unemployed because of her.
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