This Autumn, us Corrie fans have been spoilt for choice with dramatic, exciting, emotional and comedic storylines. From 'Buzzer the Bee' running for Weatherfield Mayor to Eva hanging off a window ledge in her fancy wedding frock and everything else inbetween. But for me, one storyline has caught my particular attention and will (hopefully) deliver some really good telly for us to watch over the coming weeks/months. That storyline belongs to vicar Billy Mayhew.
Since Reverend Mayhew first walked the cobbles nearly three years ago, he has been the undoubtable epitome of goodness, the Saint of Weatherfield...until now. It's been teased for a while now that Billy's darker past will be revealed which already got me excited. Finally! We're going to learn more about this character. After this initial statement, we were left in the dark. Just what is Billy's secret and what will we find out?
In the last few weeks, we've been drip-fed scraps of information which all add up to one big storyline. This storyline is essentially the gift that keeps on giving. First of all, the Autumn trailer gave us some pretty big clues. A confrontation with Peter, an arrest, and a visit from a social worker meant that it was going to be a busy few weeks for the vicar, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. Following young Summer collapsing from smoking a dodgy cigarette, Billy has a pretty serious altercation with Peter which ends in violence. I cannot wait to see this side of Billy, it doesn't appear often and never has his temper ended up in physical violence. If you cast your mind back, you may remember that Billy got involved in and ultimately split up a pub brawl between Jason/Aidan/Phelan/Johnny. Since then, not much has really happened in his world where that side of him is concerned.
I would really like to see Billy stand up for himself a little bit more, and hopefully Corrie will give him more of a voice. *Maybe* walloping Peter one isn't exactly ideal but when he stood up to Adam this week it was perfect. Just before he nicked Shona's cash (again, not ideal), Billy was the right balance of polite but firm. I need more of this, please!
What else do we know? Ah yes, that huge spoiler that I still can't quite get my head around. Billy being responsible for the death of Susan Barlow. Yes, you heard that right. In my honest opinion, I think people either love or hate the idea of this scenario. Admittedly, it is a little bit far-fetched but in hindsight, I think it's brilliant. What an excellent way to tie in modern characters to a character who died 16 years ago as well as the longest running family on the street. Billy will already be in hot water with Peter so I can only imagine what chaos this is going to cause. According to various spoilers, Billy confesses to Todd so will the Barlow's find out? If so, will they go to the police or take matters into their own hands?
As well as all of this going on, paparazzi photos have emerged recently showing Billy getting beaten up by a shifty looking stranger outside of a court house. "What on Earth??" I hear you cry? My reaction completely. Who is this person and what is his issue with Billy? Thankfully, Peter (of all people) is there to help and he saves Billy from something which could have been much worse. Does this stranger have some sort of connection to Susan Barlow, do they know the truth? And if Billy was wracked with guilt beforehand, Peter coming to his rescue might just be enough to break him completely. It'll be a while before we see these scenes unfold I expect so we'll have to wait and see.
This is a storyline that is going to keep us firmly glued to our televisions in the run up to Christmas, something we can hopefully sink our teeth into. I like to think there's something for everyone with all manners of characters getting involved. I'm a big fan of the Barlow's and who couldn't be? But I really would not like to be in Billy's shoes right now, knowing the family's shady past, especially when Susan is Adam's mother and Peter's twin sister.
What will happen to Billy after the truth comes out (I'm sure it will)? Is his future on the street safe? Will he be able to go ahead with adoption proceedings? Will Todd stand by him? There are too many questions and I hope we get the answers soon!
What are your thoughts on this storyline? Is there anything you'd like to see happen?
Sophie Williams
Twitter: @sophie_jw26

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A thought-provoking blog.I can accept that Billy, in life before Weatherfield, could have got himself into many kinds of trouble. Then he had his epiphany which led him to his present occupation. If he's in any way responsible, it could be that he was driving while stoned out of his mind and caused Susan's crash. He maybe fled the scene without calling for an ambulance and that's where his guilt lies. I can also accept with just Ken, Tracy and Amy on the street that his conscience wouldn't prick him too much. However, the arrival of Peter and Adam would surely have made him behave very differently. There's been nothing to show any acknowledgement at all. That's why I think this new story comes out of nowhere and is a slot-filler.
I definitely don't agree that Billy needs to stand up for himself more, if anything he can sometimes be too pushy and opinionated! If anything I'd like Todd to stand up to Billy because he does tend to let Billy walk over him sometimes which feels out of character for Todd.
Not sure about this upcoming storyline yet, if Billy has no knowledge that it was Susan Barlow's death he was somehow involved in that's fine but if he has been aware of it all along then it doesn't ring true at all.
Jeanie (anon)
Billy 2.0--not new or improved in any way. In fact made tedious, cliched, uninteresting--one more sneak thief, street brawler, hit and run killer. In short--a transformation from a one of a kind, dynamic character to the type of person who already lives on the Street in droves. (must be the water)
First, the personality transformation is such a LOSS of a great character. The producers are taking a one of a kind guy who, contrary to what this blog says, already has a very powerful and compelling voice that he uses to explain, defend, and at times question the strong principles that guide him. In return, they're giving us yet another dark troubled soul shaped to the standard Corrie, cookie cutter mold (think Peter Barlow, Robert Preston, Carla, Todd, Phelan, Kylie, Becky, Daniel, Adam, Maddie, Leanne, etc. etc.)
On top of that, the personality transplant is being handled in such a ham-fisted way. These character transformations have worked in the past when done slowly and subtly (most recently Gemma) but with Billy the writers might as well have stitched a large flashing scarlet letter to his dog collar. Witness him stealing 1000 pounds off Adam's desk! So ludicrous--that he would do something like that and then, if he had done, choose to distribute the money in such an idiotic way. (Why these ten workers, you might ask?So that Fiz can afford a week's supply of pork scratchings and white wine?!) The spectacle of Billy furtively stuffing cash through letter boxes in unmarked envelopes was beyond stupid--the jejune story line of an elementary schooler.
Please--if the producers really are going to change his character dramatically like this, they at least owe us some better quality story lines to show it.
Jeanie - excellent comments. Agree 100%
Billy has shown on more than one occasion that he is not easily pushed around.
So I disagree that we need to see him standing up for himself a bit more, because I think this is one of his main character traits. I believe it's already been articled by the actor that he didn't want Billy to be "wet" and to have some backbone and I feel this has always come across.
It's not surprising that we'll see that Billy has not perhaps always been so "squeaky clean" in his life before the dog collar, because we've had hints at this over his years on the soap. I would guess that being a vicar helps him with his guilt, but being in this profession doesn't make him any less human or accountable.
This storyline has some potential and I do think it's high time we learnt more about who Billy is/was before he donned the collar.
I've always thought that Billy has too much to say for himself.
Although it was great to see Billy stand up to Adam over the factory at the same time,I wondered when is he going to have Eva held accountable for her part for the factory going bankrupt and everyone losing their jobs?
Or does Eva get a pass from Billy because she's a friend?
That's what always bothered me about Billy,his selective holier than thou morality to certain residents of the Street.
If the rumor about Billy being responsible for Susan's death is true then it's hyporcritical for him and Todd to go after Sarah to find out the truth about Callum's death in hopes of David getting in trouble for it.
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