Week of Monday July 13 to Friday July 17
Note: There's an extra episode on Thursday July 16
Deirdre’s funeral takes place, Peter Barlow and Robert Preston return, Callum entices Bethany, Carla’s gambling takes its toll, Leanne tells Liz that Dan beats up prostitutes, Gary and Alya get engaged.
The full weekly preview, with pictures is right here on Corrie.net
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Gary and Alya get engaged.Ugh....So the university graduate with a degree is going to marry a part time fry cook who lives with his mother. Let's not even get into the different religion thing.This has success and reality written all over it. Right....
Robert could be telling a fib but he says he saw Deirdre's obituary in the paper. Which paper would that be, and where does Robert live? Does he have the Gazette sent to him or perhaps he's been living round the corner all this time. Strange guy if he trawls the obit columns to catch up on old friends. Already I hate this distraction from Deirdre's send-off.
When Tracy met Robert, he was local so presumably he'd still have family in the area even if he lives elsewhere. He could live in the area, the Greater manchester area is not small. He wouldn't have to have been living "round the corner"
Doesn't Gary have a baby or something with Izzy that we Tina spent all that time and energy on? Where is that baby and is Ayla going to be the step mother? Seems too ludicrous to believe.
Just for the record, I would lash out too if someone tried to take my chocolate bar...
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