to pin something on Tony to draw him out of wherever he’s hiding, Liz attempts
to photograph goods from Barlow’s Buys before entering the builder’s yard with
Michelle. I’m not quite sure what they were hoping to find there if I’m honest,
it seemed to be more of an excuse for a bit of light farce than a genuine fact
finding mission. In any event, Todd doesn’t take too kindly to being treated as
Tracy ’s "whipping boy", and advises Liz of the time of an expected delivery set up by Tony so that she can arrange for the police to be there. Todd’s
gripe is that breaking up boxes isn’t in his job description, but as sole
employee, if he doesn’t do it, who does?
being arrested at the scene, Tracy
surprises everyone by marching into the Rovers announcing her release and the
news that the goods were bought legitimately. She’s not happy to learn she was simply
collateral damage in an attempt by Liz to force Tony out, but later confides in
Todd that she feels Tony has become a liability and she wants to find him
herself. In the meantime she’s off to London
and leaves Todd in charge.
Over at the Bistro, Erica pops
by to tell Nick she knows her love is unrequited and to wish him
happiness, but despite ‘caring for’ rather than loving her, he insists on
having her around even though he confides in concerned Leanne that he doesn’t know where
it’s going. Leanne is about to have troubles of her own however, as it transpires that Liz's new man Dan is a former client and makes this known to her. I would've thought he'd have been as anxious as her to keep that in the past.
hopes of jetting to Amsterdam with a box of Yorkshire tea and a packet of biscuits are
dashed when it appears her daughter Jess doesn’t want her to visit. I wonder if Andrea made her aware that there was a packet of garibaldis in it for her, then it might have been a different story. I enjoyed the
chemistry between Lloyd and Andrea in this episode, their relationship has a nice authenticity to it.
Mary gives
Dev a sound telling off for not trying hard enough to win Julie back. It’s
quite a turn about considering her barely concealed hatred for the woman not
weeks previous. Nevertheless, after Julie decides she will go on the trip, Mary’s parting gift, and declaration that “Dev’s
loss is the whole world’s gain” is lovely.
Julie's decision is based on the fact that she wants to see the world and leaves Brian in no uncertain
terms that they won’t be getting back together. He surprises us all by telling her she
can go alone as his "selfishness has already deprived her of one dream". His
farewell gift of clippings and cuttings on various locations shows Julie just how
much he wanted to go, and the extent of his sacrifice for her. This is enough to change
her mind and insist he comes along.
As they sit in the back of Lloyd’s cab chattering, Julie in her fabulous cape and Brian in his Hai Karate, I’m left with
the feeling that things are exactly as they should be. Julie remembering Brian’s
different smiles has him ecstatic, even if she is chiding him, and as she says farewell to Asha and Adi, he
confides in Lloyd that he was in fact displaying his “I’m so happy I could cry” smile.
Seeing them together like this hammered home what a great casualty it is to lose both of these characters from the street. Coming second, to my mind, is the end of Brian and Ken, a friendship which I could have spent many happy hours watching and would love to have seen develop further.

There were
a couple of little oddities in tonight’s episodes. Sean giving Julie flowers that
were originally intended for Sinead, only the hospital doesn’t allow them, was strange
considering she’s long since home. Also, Jason told Todd he would say goodbye to Julie on his behalf. If Eileen, Sean and Jason, all equally appalled when he revealed
his deception in the Bistro some weeks back, are all talking to him again and
appear to have forgiven him, why wouldn’t Julie? After all, she is surely the most forgiving of the bunch, and took him in
when nobody else would in the past.
Julie Carp will be a big loss. Her quirkiness, style, honesty, big heart, good nature and positive outlook will be sorely missed. Her excitability, passion for life, wild imagination and determination to see the best in everybody and everything infused Coronation Street with the very best anybody could hope to find in a person. As such, while she can never be replaced, these qualities must live on in the guise of somebody else, as they are sadly rare when it comes to contemporary Corrie, making it all the more important for them to be represented.
By Emma Hynes
Twitter: @ELHynes
All original work on the Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
A brilliant week of episodes with scripts that sparkled with touches of humour woven throughout; even within serious scenes eg: Mary comparing Dev's emotional sensitivity to a pineapple had me literally laughing out loud.
Pleeeease keep this standard up, as this week made me realise the 'old' Corrie we love to reminisce about is still there.
Hmm. Anyone who's spent any time in the Netherlands (beyond Amsterdam bars) will surley be aware that the Dutch are pottier about their tea than the English. Most cafes have a vast selection of Twinnings blends - certainly better quality stuff than the cheap care-package box Andria was intent on sending her daughter.
Also, I have to say I'm disapointed all over again at the loss of Peter Gunn. Brian, with good writing behind him (which he had over the last few weeks) is a classic Corrie male character with a lot of potential. Ken is in his declining years now, and the show needs at least one highly educated character. Brain's occasional pomposity and lack of sensitivity was balanced by his basic decency - it seemed unkind to compare Dev's attempted infidelity with Brian's bumbling misdemeanours - and his sincere and humble generosity last night was charming to watch. I'd accustomed byself to the idea of Julie leaving, but when she announced she would travel alone, I found myself clinging to the idea that Brian might actually stay. Sadly, ot to be.
It's a shame they didn't make the most of Julie in recent years. She's been great this week, like a modern Mavis - dippy but with real backbone. Perhaps if they'd kept her occupied the actress wouldn't have chosen to leave.
I saw Katy Cavannagh in a few old episodes of Dalziel and Pascoe that aired in Canada. Though she played a more serious character under more dramatic situations, she had the same sparkle as Julie Carp. I hope to see her in roles in a wide range of series, working to her full range of capabilities.
I noticed those little oddities as well, two very good episodes though. Julie bought life to No 7 and I'll miss her passion. Well Done Katy! These eps have done you justice.
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