Today's Sunday Mirror says that Coronation Street producer Phil Collinson will quit his job by the end of the year - and he'll blow up the Rovers Return as his parting shot.
Our old - and not very accurate friend - a "Corrie insider" tells the paper: “Blowing up the Rovers would be the most dramatic thing to happen on the Street. Phil thinks millions of extra viewers would tune in. But it means everyone on in the show is looking over their shoulder wondering if they’ll be inside when the pub goes up in smoke.”
Collinson revealed in February that he planned to quit by “the middle of next year”. But Corrie sources have told the Sunday Mirror he will move on earlier than planned as part of a shake-up by ITV bosses.
A Street spokesman yesterday declined to comment on when Collinson would go.
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More people would tune in if time and focus was spent on writing character-led stories with competent unknown actors who are committed to the vivid characters which the writers have created. A return to the realism and northern humour which originally made the programme so appealing and successful would provide better viewing figures than blowing up yet another building on the Street in a lazy shoestring blockbuster attempt to grab short-term ratings. ITV, try going back to the shows roots and I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the positive response from viewers.
Yay, break out the bubbly - but how so typical of PC that he ridiculously thinks that is what we are looking for when we watch our favourite soap. It will take more than Bombs and blasts and blowing up a building to BRING BACK the millions of viewers lost during his time in charge, so they aren't 'extra viewers' at all but those he's put off with his sensationalism.
Best news though that he's going, cheered me up no end! Maybe we can now have our Corrie back!
Bi bi Stella it was almost nice knowing ya!
this is not true at all phil Collinson has said in a interview by digital spy
q) With the show moving to Salford Quays next year, will that mean any changes or revamps for the sets?
"We're obviously building a brand new exterior set, but viewers won't notice any difference. The new set will be an exact replica of what we've got already - but it will just be a little bit bigger and wider, which will allow filming to be a bit easier as we'll have more room.
a)"We won't be blowing the street up to see it rebuilt or anything like that! I hope people will watch Corrie on a Friday, then turn it on the following Monday and they won't even notice the change."
I hope he takes Stella, Karl, Rob, Ryan, Dev, Sunita & the kids with him too!
Yay ! So pleased to hear he's leaving . Hope he takes his bezzie with him so that Michelle C can get her teeth into something more suitable for her. Bring back Natasha with Nicks baby. Also Eddie can come back from Germany a changed man ( same actor tho) and stir things up with Owen .
as with all tabloid spoilers, take with a large pinch of salt - as I always do.
Is it December yet?:)
Bravo Nathan! Whoever is Producer should listen to you.
don;t believe anything you read in the sunday papers. phil collinson did an exclusive interview with digital spy which you can read below. he said "there are no plans to blow up the rovers or anything like that"
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