Think about it. Becky and Slug were friends, lovers and did a lot of illegal stuff together including drugs so it's already established that Slug is or was a user. He brought Becky to her knees after her wedding by planting drugs in her handbag for slimy Cst. Hooch to find and hadn't reformed as he had pretended to Becks that he had.
It's not out of the realms of possibility that he could be Faye's father and I for one would love to see the excellent Marshall Lancaster back on Corrie for a visit!
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This is an excellent idea. It's also very true to what the show used to do on a regular basis in its heyday - instead of introducing an entirely new character they would revisit ones that had already briefly appeared (e.g. Bet, Rita, Joe Makinson) and expand on them. It's a reminder that Weatherfield is a very small world and provides great continuity and consistency with storylines.
I love Slug! great idea!
Good idea! Can you imagine the fireworks between Slug and Owen the builder?
And although appearances don't seem to matter with Corrie families, Slug and Faye (the actors, that is) do have a likeness.
Personally, I'd rather not have more drugs- and crime-ridden characters and story lines. It sometimes feels like Martina Cole is writing the scripts. I know that, unfortunately, drugs and crime are more and more a reality these days, but it's not my cup of tea for entertainment.
I don't know about that Phil.
Interestingly he says first: "In the end, what matters most is how much the public is enjoying the show."
Then he says "I think I've said before that you can't make any show 'for the fans' in that way - we just have to trust our own instincts as a creative team, and make sure that we tell the best stories."
Which is it?
"Slug" is not the only drug user in Manchester you know! The likelihood is that Faye never knew her father and her mother probably didnt even know who he was. How could he even find her? More "family members" brought in to already bulging cast list to cause yet more angst.
Of course he's not the only drug user. This was just pure speculation fun, Frosty. You know, not all F words are bad ;)))
Maybe its Rick Neelan lol. :D
How about a real plot twist ... Eddie Windass is the real father - Faye is the result of a one-night stand he had, and the mother never told him.
Then Anna can get pissed off cuz Eddie had an affair.
~JB in Canada
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