There's a Coronation Street spoiler in today's Star that says the surrogacy storyline will take a turn for the worse (in my opinion) when Tina, yes, Tina, steps in and agrees to become the surrogate mum to Izzy's baby.
The Star says that Owen puts his foot down and stops the plan for Katy to be Izzy's baby's surrogate mum. Owen then offers Tina a stash of cash to carry the baby instead. And as Tina and Tommy are in so much debt, she agrees to do it for the money. The spoiler goes on to say that Tommy isn't best pleased and tries to talk Izzy out of it.
Am I the only fan not enjoying this storyline one little bit? I just can't understand how any of them could afford the seven thousand pounds that they've already been told the procedure will cost.
It'd be a bit more interesting, I think, if Anna stepped in and offered to have the baby.
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Monday, 27 August 2012
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Hmmm, interesting.
I think I always assumed that Owen would be the one who would be involved with the financial side of the surrogacy. I guess it was just a matter of who would have the baby for Izzy and Gary. I must say that I am surprised that it may in fact turn out to be Tina! Isn't this destined for disaster just as much as when Katy offered? I can't believe that Owen would suggest such an idea in light of his recent statements and opposition.
Yes i thought it would all come down to money, too. Not surprised that Owen would refuse to pay if Katy was the surrogate and Tina and Tommy are in huge debt so that's the logical next choice isn't it?
Tina Tantrum-MardyMare is bad enough now but how will she be surging with pregnancy hormones?
Oh I can't wait for this one.....
So silly, none of them have explained where the £7000 cost has come from and they are all broke. If Owen is the only one with the cash why doesn't he just refuse to pay as he is so opposed. Sorry Corrie writers but I'm just not buying this storyline.
If Owen wanted to spend money on Izzy's chances of motherhood, he would be sending her to private clinics. I do hope Anna realises the implications of this proposal and steps in. If it goes ahead, Tina won't want to part with the baby. I agree, a very silly story line that isn't gripping in any way.
If Owen is going to do a 90 degree turn and now pay for a surrogate why doesnt he go to a professional one, with a proper contract, instead of ridiculously approaching the local barmaid? Tina is moody and bad tempered enough without her going through a pregnancy as well. I wonder what "Me Dad" would have said!!! Absolute horse manure.
If they're gonna go for stupid, they should ask FayE to be the surrogate.
All Gary and Izzy had to do was wait. Just like so many other couples who've suffered miscarriages. Time. And then you try again.
~JB in Canada
All of these comments are valid and I also don't believe that Tina is the ideal candidate. Yes, if Owen does have the money and he's prepared to assist Izzy and Gary in their quest to start a family, why not do it privately?
I suppose that by bringing Tina and Tommy into this story, the writers are able to open up the Windass/Armstrong family and mix them up with other leading characters. Maybe the writers can see some potential here for other future storylines.
I do feel for Gary and Izzy at the moment. I can see why Gary would want to be a father considering his own upbringing and lack of input from Eddie. The same applies for Izzy as she grew up without her mother. Gary has also made it clear that he only wants a family if Izzy is part of it. They're both desperate to have a family together but it's just unfortunate that surrogacy seems to be the only way they are able to go about it.
It could be worse people, they could ask eva or stella! blech!!
No, Tina will do it, but in the end, it will be her and Tommy's biological baby. These are The Days of our Lives....
Hey, they should ask Tracy! She'd be happy to get some cash and God knows she's not averse to selling a baby!
~JB in Canada :-)
If Katy waits until she is 18 which according to the comments on the show whe will be soon how can Owen stop her?
I agree with JB in Canada. Tracy would be ideal! She is a morality-free zone.
Tracy likely wouldn't be a good candidate because of her health issues. Even when she turns 18, Katy (and Chesney) will still need the money to do the procedures and if Owen refuses to pay, there's no other way to get the money. Gary and Izzy don't have it either. I think someone else mentioned that Anna would have been a more interesting choice and I agree there but Owen wouldn't likely stump up the cash for her to do it either.
Although I don't like this storyline much, I think that the main problem with it is that it has been rushed along far too fast. Izzy's pregnant, Izzy miscarries, Izzy decides she doesn't want to get pregnant again before she's even out of the hospital, Gary's distraught, Katy offers herself as a surrogate, Izzy refuses, Izzy accepts.....all within about ten days. This is a story which should have been left to mature slowly, with each character involved slowly coming round to recognise their feelings and then to voice them. Instead the actors are having to portray turnarounds in emotions that don't ring true. And all these appointments are set up so quickly that noone has the chance to even get used to an idea aired before hopes are dashed. I can't keep up! And Tina? Absolutely ridiculous!
They all seem to be dumber than Kirk in this storyline.....a flippant remark by Gary that he will come up with the money....and no discussion as to just how he is going to do that and if I remember correctly, not one of them questioned him....they were all too giddy with glee at the thought of this the idea that Owen will pay Tina to do it.....LOL, the writers must have been enjoying a few pints at that meeting.
Silly storyline considering Tina has never interacted with the Armstrongs before, who in reality would pay the local barmaid to be a surrogate. So stupid. Apparently Tina is going to work for Owen in book keeping, because she has so much experience in that department.
Yes, thinking back, I don't think the Armstrongs have had anything to do with Tina before. Gary and his parents were linked to Tina and Joe in 2008/2009 when they moved into No.6 and caused trouble for Joe and his kitchen fitting business. Gary then claimed that Tina was his girlfriend which rubbed David up the wrong way. And then, of course, David managed to persuade Gary to rob Audrey's house!
Assuming that Owen does pay for the surrogacy procedure, it will cost him more than 7,000 pounds. He's going to have to pay additional money to Tina and Tommy too.
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